Academic Metadata Mirror Datasets

The following datasets aim to provide samples of our personal and academic data for Iraqi reseachers in the field of raw data processing (such as semantics, Big Data, NLP, and ML). You may use the data under GPL License provided by University of Babylon, The repository website provides detailed datasets as mirror to our actual data processing infrastructure. Accessing these collections with related metadata / without any XHTML is available directly by requesting our WCF service (make sure proper arguements are passed correctly). For more details, please contact our webmaster via

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The following Dataset lists the content of our E-Learning repository available at:

  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size165807
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: الحكومات المحلية ودورها في تنفيذ السياسات العامة وتقديم الخدمات


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size3239280
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تاثير التداخل بين العامل الأحيائي Trichoderma harzianum والمبيد الفطري Moncut في مرض الرقعة العارية على الحنطة المتسبب عن الفطر


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size143872
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تاثير كثافات مختلفه مـن حشرة من الباقلاء الاسـود


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size55965
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تاثيراضافة السماد العضوي و اليوريا في نمو وحاصل نبات الباقلاء


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size118272
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تاثيرالمبيد البكتيري Diple ومنظم النمو الحشري Trigard في السيطرة على دودة ثمار الطماطة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size55055
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تحسين كفاءة اداء وحدة معالجة المياه الصناعية في مصانع نسيج الحلة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size6706176
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تحضير وتشخيص عضيدة عضوية جديدة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size245760
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تقييم تاثير المسحوق الأصفر الملاصق لاوراق قمة النخيل وقشور الرمان


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size763775
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تقييم فعالية البكتريا Azotobacter chroococcum والفطر


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size1806336
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تقييم كفاءة مستخلص الماء الحار والبارد لنبات الصبار


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size337082
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة الخواص الطيفية والحرارية لجزيئيتي


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size191488
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة تاثير الانعكاسية على الكفاءة الكمية للخلايا الشمسية


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size1421916
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة تاثير المستخلص الفينولي والتربيني لدرنات نبات حب العزيز


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size9471488
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسـة لنسيج الانبوب الهـضمي في سـمكة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size2469931
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دور العزلات غير الممرضة من الفطر


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size40428
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: عزل وتشخيص المسببات المرضية البكتيرية لدى النساء اللواتي يعانين من أضطرابات في الجهاز البولي في مدينة الشطرة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size354304
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: قياس النشاط الاشعاعي لنظير الراديوم


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition31, Size4184576
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: معالجة الخطوط السوداء في مرئيات القمر الصناعي لاندسات


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size8733738
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Biostratigraphy Of Mauddud Formation In


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size1892352
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Comparative Performance of Shot Change Detection Techniques in MPEG Stream


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size2717696
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Computerized System for Numerical Methods Simulation using Visual Basic Programming Language


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size85473
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Continuous in bi topological Space


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size58529
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Drug ood Interaction of Ceftriaxone Used in Treatment of Different Diseases with Food


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size572416
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of plant growth regulators


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size73363
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Impact of Cu Zn Superoxide Dismutase activity and Malondyaldehyde concentration on Females Infertility


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size404945
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Information hiding in Linked Opened Data


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size1101999
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Integrating the Degree Days Model and Google Maps to Monitor Dubas Bug Activity in Some Agricultural Regions in Iraq


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size186724
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: journal index


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size168923
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Molecular study for mitochondrial gene


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size737235
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Monitoring of Variable Stages of Ovarian Cells in Buffalo Using Double Stained


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size1295360
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Nuclear Structure of S Ar and Cl Nuclei in d f Shell


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size336175
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Packet Identification By Using Data Mining Techniques


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size1431761
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Phenotypic and Molecular Identification of Bifidobacterium sp


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size6208000
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Preparation and Study the Structural Properties and Magnetic Susceptibility of a Liquid Crystal


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size443392
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Preparation of Metal Organic Compounds containing Schiff Bases and Study Some of its Mechanical Properties


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size253952
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Prevalence of Three Rooted Mandibular Permanent First Molars among the Babylon City Population


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size1177417
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Synthesis and characterization of new


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size2310873
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Synthesis of Ciprofloxacin Prodrug Chitosan


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size50205
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Adomian Decomposition Method for Solving Fractional Integro


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size94720
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Effect of Impaired Fasting Glucose on Out Come of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size10259456
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The effect of some environmental conditions on the growth and activity of the external enzymes for five sp


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size458752
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Frequency of Epstein


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size541375
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Influence of Non Polar Group on the Properties of Poly


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size11392512
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Lapin Immune States Associated with Intramuscular Injection of Heat Killed Helicobacter pylori


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size1637376
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The role of MRI in defining the characteristic patterns of intracranial meningioma


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size186712
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Usage of Dispersion Measure in Bayesian Selection Approach


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition32, Size36212
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Traditional Higher Education vs


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size494113
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Adsorption of Methylene Blue Dye Using Low Cost Adsorbent of Sawdust Batch and Continues Studies


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size2173440
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Analytical Study of Haditha Reservoir Sedimentation by CFD Model


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size350826
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Application of Multivariate Statistical Techniques in the surface water quality Assessment of Tigris River at Baghdad stretch Iraq


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size413696
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Calculating Taste and Odor Occurrences in Hilla Drinking Water, and Suggestion Method for the Control at the Water Plant by Using Plant Trunks


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size775690
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Comparative Study of Tested Concrete Cubes by Ultrasonic Waves Using Ansys Program


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size2623488
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Design and Implementation of RF and Microwave Filters Using Transmission Lines


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size446976
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Design and simulation of 4th order active band- pass filter using multiple feed back and Sallen-key topologies


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size1805312
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of addition AgNO3 on some optical properties of polystyrene


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size1181607
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Some Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Cast


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size171415
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of RPC Compositions on


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size1051136
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Variable Fiber Spacing on Buckling Strength of Composite Plates


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size510621
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Energy Dissipation By Using Different Sizes And Configurations Of Direction Diverting Blocks On Spillways


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size2060471
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Enhancing the Structural Behavior of R.C. Deep Beams with Openings


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size838798
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Evaluation The Factors Affecting Permanent Deformation Using Cyclic Loading Test for Stabilized Subgrade Soil


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size576512
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Evaluation Water Quality Index for Irrigation in the North of Hilla city by Using the Canadian and Bhargava Methods


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size9850880
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Improvement of Sandy Soil with Cylindrical Cavity by Using Geogrids


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size291304
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Linear Antenna Array Optimization by Using Evolutionary Algorithms


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size443870
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Optimization of Pollutants Removal from Textile Wastewater by Electrocoagulation through RSM


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size300276
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Parameters Influence on Mixing Time of Gas Liquid Agitation System


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size3538944
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Quality Factor Compensation of Single Mode Optical Fiber by using Uniform Fiber Bragg Grating


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size1269070
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Effect of Addmixed Ti on Corrosion Resistance of High Copper Dental Amalgam


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition33, Size578560
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: The Effect of Spatial Distribution on Heat Transfer in the Inner Spaces of Buildings in Urban Areas


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size2185216
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: index_journal


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size1047552
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تأثير هجوم الاملاح الكبريتية الخارجية على الخرسانة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size4888064
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تعيين معامل النفاذية لمواقع في مدينة النجف الأشرف


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size1739264
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تقييم جودة منتج كهربائي باستعمال المقاييس النوعية


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size2757120
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: تقييم قراءات المناسيب الظاهرة في برنامج كوكل أرث العالمي


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size178176
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: حماية حديد التسليح المغمور في المحلول الالكتروليتي من التآكل باستخدام المثبطات


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size7616000
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة إعادة التأهيل للممر الحالي لطريق العمارة تقاطع الطيب الشيب المشرح في محافظة ميسان


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size296448
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة تحليلية للتراتب الهرمي للمراكز الحضرية في محافظة بابل


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size1258496
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة عملية لبيان تأثير الصمام النبضي على أداء دورة التثليج الانضغاطية


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size4911104
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: دراسة كفاءة محارق النفايات الطبية في مستشفيات الحلة


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition34, Size1234944
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: سلوك أنواع مختلفة من الاسمنت المحلي والمستورد كمادة انهاء


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size608256
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: A Linear Programming Approach to Motivate knowledge of Sustainability Strategies for Optimizing the End of life Case Study Hilla City Environment


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size17799680
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Assessment of Sustainable Construction Performance For Some Buildings in Babylon University


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size1295360
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Best Distribution and Plotting Positions of Annual Rainfall in the Catchment of Holy Karbala in Iraq


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size585216
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Best Fit Model to Estimate Relation Between (CBR) and the Dry Density of Fine Grains Soils


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size1781248
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Calculating the Coefficients of Muskingum and Muskingum Cunge Methods for a reach from Shatt AlHilla river


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size3450368
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Comparative Study of Fingerprint Image Enhancement Methods


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size1675264
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Comparison of the Fracture Toughness of High Temperature Ceramic measured by Digital Image Correlation and Indentation Method


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size2211840
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Content-Engeneering Vol.(22), No4 و 2014


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size2142208
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Design of Neurofuzzy Self Tuning PID Controller for Antilock Braking Systems


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size336384
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Design Technology for Layout


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size1385984
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Digital Color Video Steganography Using YCbCr Color Space and Dynamic Least Significant Bit


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size1829888
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Density of the Polyethylene Polymer


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size859648
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Effect of Quenching Media, Heat Treatment and Alloying Elements on Properties of Al-Si-Mg Alloy


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size13453312
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Efficiency Improvement of Inertial Navigation System (INS) Based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN)


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size759808
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer in a Circular Tube with Internal square ribs


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size2633216
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Experimental Study of Height and Surface Roughness Effects of Crump Weirs on Over Flow Characteristics


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size2143744
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Hydraulic Characteristics of Flow Over Rectangular Weir With Three Rectangular Bottom Openings Using ANN


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size2852864
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Improvement of Hot Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Chromizing-Siliconizing


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size1627136
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: Infiltration Characteristics in Agriculture Area of Bahr al Najaf


  • Associated Metadata: Catelogue:applied, Edition:edition35, Size186724
    Description: Type: Journal, Title: journal index


First ... 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50  ... Last 

Open data is the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control. The goals of the open data movement are similar to those of other "open" movements such as open source, open hardware, open content, and open access. The philosophy behind open data has been long established (for example in the Mertonian tradition of science), but the term "open data" itself is recent, gaining popularity with the rise of the Internet and World Wide Web and, especially, with the launch of open-data government initiatives

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