معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Preparation and identification of new Azo (methyl-xanthine) ligands and their transition metal complexes

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

سعد مدلول مهدي الحساني

Citation Information

سعد,مدلول,مهدي,الحساني ,Preparation and identification of new Azo (methyl-xanthine) ligands and their transition metal complexes , Time 31/01/2018 10:26:40 : كلية العلوم

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

بحث اكاديمي مفيد للاغراض الصناعية كونه حاوي على مركبات ملونية اضافة لاهميته الحيوية

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Two of new azo methyl-xanthine ligands were prepared, via the reaction of the
diazonium salt of amino antipyrine with the coupling components (caffeine and theophylline)
in a 5% basic media in 0C
. The legends were identified with many techniques to ensure the
formation of these compounds such (FTIR spectroscopy , elementary analysis and mass
Three of divalent transition metal ion complexes (Co, Ni and Cu) for each ligand prepared,
after the fixation of the preparation demands (optimal concentration, optimal pH and M:L ratio)
, these were resulted from the an extensive UV-Visible study of the aqueous solutions of these
complexes. Two methods were used for M: L ratio determination (the mole ratio & continuous
variation methods), all these indicated the (1:2 ,M:L) ratios for all complexes.
The solid complexes were prepared and identified with the previous techniques (except mass
spectroscopy).Indeed there are many complimentary techniques were used for the
determination of the solid complexes geometry as (electrical molar conductivity, magnetic
All complexes have the ionic properties with the presence of chloride ion out of the
coordination core.
Magnetic susceptibility data agreed with the present of (three odd electrons for cobalt
complexes, two odd electron for nickel complexes & odd electron for copper complexes) for
the two prepared ligands.
One pot data indicate the octahedral geometry for all complexes, and the prepared ligands
behaves as bidentate ligand via the imidazole nitrogen and the far azo nitrogen atom

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