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مهدي عبادي مانع الموسوي

Citation Information

مهدي,عبادي,مانع,الموسوي ,[A PROACTIVE DATA SECURITY SCHEME OF FILES USING MINHASH TECHNIQUE , Time 09/03/2019 09:48:35 : كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Cloud Security and Data Mining

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Data protection becomes an important issue for companies and organizations. Data security is one of the
essential issues in the field of networks by synchronizing with the fast development of information
technology, which is always seeking service providers to improve them in a way that serves the user and
maintains the privacy of his data. It provides the goals of data security, which is confidentiality, availability,
integrity. Cryptographic algorithms offer a healthy way for data confidentiality that used by many
organizations using mainly two types of symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption algorithms. The
most important way to ensure the strength of the encryption algorithm is to generate the encryption key in
robust ways. In this paper, the cryptosystem system is used the principle of the minhash technique to generate
a group of keys in an efficient way. The block keys are generated using the k-shingle which is one of the
main principles used in the minhash technique to convert the text file into a sequence of consecutive words.
The length of shingles depends on the length of k value. The cryptosystem is used many hash functions to
generate the cipher keys and then to encrypt text files using AES, DES, 3DES and Blowfish algorithms. The
results show promised way to deny the hacker from unauthorized access. The AES and Blowfish algorithms
have excellent results regarding encryption time, throughput, memory space, avalanche effect and entropy in
term of security.
Keywords: Algorithms of Cryptography, Minhash Technique, Data Encryption, AES Algorithm, The
Blowfish Algorithm.

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