معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Cryoglobulin Responses And Herd Immunity plots Among periodontitis Patients

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدي

Citation Information

بهاء,حمدي,حكيم,العميدي ,Cryoglobulin Responses And Herd Immunity plots Among periodontitis Patients , Time 21/03/2019 08:51:30 : كلية طب الاسنان

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Cryoglobulin Responses And Herd Immunity plots Among periodontitis Patients

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Cryoglobulin Responses And Herd
Immunity plots Among periodontitis Patients
Ass.Prof.Dr.Baha, Hamdi. Hakim. Al-Amiedi
College of Dentistry , University of Babylon , Hilla , Iraq.
E-mail: baha.alamid@mail.com
Department of Biotechnology
College of Biotechnology , University of Qasim
Qisim , Babylon , Iraq.
E-mail.: ibrahimshnawa3@gmail.com
Ass.Prof.Dr.Zainb, M. Hameed
College of Dentistry , University of Babylon , Hilla , Iraq.
A Cryoprotein was separated from periodontitis patients sera and characterized as a cryoglobulin. The cryocrit percentages were ranged from 1-8% in patients as compared to 1-3% in controls. The cryoglobulin concentration were ranged from 90-240 mg/L with mean value of 188 mg/L as compared to 1.3-4 mg/L. Immunofixation studies have shown secondary mixed cryoglobulinemia of IgA-IgG-IgM type. The assessment of herd immunity using cryoglobulin as a probe revealed that there are three main fraction as: low , moderate and high responders. The herd immunity plats were normal and skewed respectively.
KeyWord: : Cryoglobulin,Cryocrit,Herd Immunity,Immunofixation

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