معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

immunolgy of proteus spp in persistsnt pyuria

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدي

Citation Information

بهاء,حمدي,حكيم,العميدي ,immunolgy of proteus spp in persistsnt pyuria , Time 03/12/2015 20:18:06 : كلية طب الاسنان

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

immunology of proteusb spp in persistant pyuria

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Immunology of Protus Persistant Pyuria Patientes

Ibrahim , M.S.Shnawa and Baha, H.H.AL-Amidi

Department of Biology \College of Science\Babylon
University \Hillah\ P.O.Box 4.IRAQ.
College of dentistry \ Babylon University \Hillah
The Species that are involed in human persistant pyuria were Protus mirabilis & Protus vulgaris the course of the
Disease was of chronic persistant type and the patients showed
total serum protein , total serum globulin , mucosal globu-
lin, serum IgG, IgM and IgA higher than those of normal subjects in immunoreactive patients , while these were slig-
htly higher than those of normal subjects in immunocompr-omized patients . Proteus whole cell heat antigens detected
clinically significant circulating and mucosal . Protus speci-
fic agglutinins to titres of 400 and 40; 360 , 36 respectively
Leucocyte inhibition indicies were 96.2 , 95.8 as that of no-rmal human subjects .Thus , the Proteal immunodominant
epitope may be of T independent Type 1 nature.

مناعة المتقلبات المشتركة مع مرضى البيلة القيحية المستديمة

ابراهيم محمد سعيد شناوة و بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدى
قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم / جامعة بابل /الحلة ص ب 4 / العراق
فرع الاحياء المجهرية / كلية طب الاسنان / جامعة بابل
وجد بان المتقلبات المشتركة مع البيلة القيحية المستديمة هى من نوعين
. Pr. vulgaris Pr.mirabilis وكانت طبيعة هذة البيلة مزمنة و مستديمة .ازدادت
مستويات كل من البروتين المصلى الكلى و الكلوبيولين المصلى والمخاطى و تراكيز اصناف
الكلوبيوتينات المناعية ,IgA M Ig IgG , فى المرضى عما هو علية فى الاسوياء
وكانت فى مرضى الخفض المناعى مرتفعة قليلا عن تلك التي فى الاسوياء
كانت عيارات الضد التلازنى المتخصص لمعدلات400 , 40 و 360, 36 لكل من النوعين على التوالى فى كل من المصل و الكتوبيولين المخاطى
واظهرت معاملات تثبيط هجرة الخلايا البيض بين 96.2و 95.8 اى تثبيط غير معنوى مشابة كما يحدث فى حالة الاسوياء. وتفسر هذة النتائج على اساس ان الذرى المستضدية السائدة مناعيا من نوع غير المعتمدة على الخلايا التائية 1

The Protus mirabilis and Protus vulgaris are known as opportunistic human pathogens (Brooks et al .1998).Several studies have been carried out elsewhere in the world .
(Kamazawaia and Mutsumoto, 1997)
and in this area (Shnawa, 1996 .;AL-Nasiri,2000) have been emphasizing their roles as uropathogens.
Mahdi, 2000,found these protus species inducing muco-
humoral immune responses . The present work was an att-
empt to investigate the humoral as wall as cellular immu-ne responses both in immunoreactive and immunocompro-
mized patients with persistants pyuria .

Materials And Methods
Nintgeen patients with persistant pyuria were immunor-
reactive and three patients were immunosuppres.From
each each of which , a clean catch midstream urine,blood
with and without anticoagulent were collected (Oconnell,
1982.;Mishill and Shiigi , 1982). Standarized methods a
applied in bacteriology &immunology of these cases wer
mentioned briefly in table-1.Ten Normal subject urine
and Blood Samples were investigated as in test group.

I- Bacteriology:
Urine cultures of these cases yields Protus mirabilis and Protus vulgaris (Table 2 ).
II- Immunology :
II- 1: Protus mirabilis
The female / Male ratio was 3/9 .The patient age range
wase 21-70 years.The medians of total serum protein was 75.94,total serum globulins 42.28 g/L and the serum album-
in to serum globulin ratio was 0.76
The serum immunoglobulin class concentrations were
15.89, 2.60 and 3.14 in patient in comparison to 11.47 , 1.95 and 2.44 g/ L in controls for the classes IgG , IgM and IgA , respectively .
The specific anti Protus mirabilis agglutinin in serum and mucosa were 360 and 36 in immuno-reactive and 200 as well as 40 in immuno-compromy patients respectively.
The ratio of systemic to mucosal agglutinin titres were
10/ 1 and 5/ 1 respectively . The correlation between conc-entration of immunoglobulin and titres of specific agglutin-
ins were of simple linear type ( Fig .1 ) as ;
Serum Y =-823.899+ 27.126 x
r = 0.615
Fc =6.1134 at p=0.0329
F r= 4.96 at P =0.01

Mucosa Y = -2.5141+53.684 x
r = 0.68
Fc=8.952 at P= 0.0329
F r=4.96 at P= 0.01
The peripheral blood leucocyte migration inhibition index and mucosal leucocyte migration inhibition index were as that of normal subject.
II-2 :Protus vulgaris
The female/ Male ratio was four to six . The range of the age of the patients were mostly 20- 50 years .
The median of total serum proteins was 73.21 g/ L .The total serum globulin concentration median was 42.28 g/L
The median of mucosal globuline concentration was 0.62
g/L . The albumin / globulin ratio was 0.73 .The median
of the different immunoglobulin class concentration were
12.71 , 2.04 and 2.96 for patients as well as 11.47 , 1.95
and 2.44. for normal subjects .These values were for IgG
IgM and IgA respectively.
The specific agglutinin in serum and mucosa for
immunoreactive were 400 and 40 while for immunocom-
promy patients they were 200 and 40 . The ratio for syst-
emic to mucosal titres were 10/ 1 and 5/ 1 respectively .
The correlation between concentrations of immunogl-
obulin during the infection and titres were of simple linear
type ( Fig- 2 ); as in the followings ;

Serum Y=-2035.16 + 57.7019 x
r= 0.7582
Fc=10.8797 at P 0.01103
Ft= 5.32 at P 0.01

Mucosal Y=-20.97213 + 88.01956 x
r = 0.6739
F c=6.6755 at P 0.03
F t=6.1755 at P 0.01

The migration inhibition index of peripheral and muco-
sal leucocytes were showing indicics as that of normal sub-ject values .

Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris ( tables 2-3 and 4 Fig 1&2 ) are being uropathogens (AL-Nassri 2002, Shnawa 1996 ). Being a uropathogen Protus
Species have several virulence associated antigens like
Cellular invassiveness, direct haemaggluttinins,Immunogl-
-obulin sipletting enzyme for IgG and IgA . outermembrane
proteins and serum resistance(Maclaren 1969, Silverblatt 1974 Zunino et al 1999).
The infection may be of aseanding typ(Sliverblatt 1914 )
The urinary tract responses to entery of proteus is complex
and involve multiple aspects of immune systems such as
cytokines, immunoglobulins and cellular such as PMNS
& T cells and B cells (Uehling et al 1999).

It seemed to be that the immunodominant immunoprotect-
-ive epitope is hexameric peptide within the haemolysin
molecule(Heimer and Mobley , 1998).
As gram negative the LPS epitope functions as T indepen-
-dent type one epitope acting as dirct B lymphocyte mit-
ogen which in turne terminated by antibody secretion (Zu-
-bler,1998). Non significant LIF results indicated that Tcell
dependent cell mediated immune reactions are not involve
in uropathic Proteu infections (Zublers, 1998).

The authors wish to express their gratitudes to Dr M.R.
Goodi for his assistence in diagnosing the persistent pyuria patients of this study.

1-AL-Nasry,Q.N. 2002.The Biology of Cell Wall defective
Microbes associated with human persistence pyuria. Ph.D.
Thesis.Babylon University.

2-Bishops,M.C.; Doen-Vanlaufer;and Fodys,E.P.1983.
Clinical Chemistry,Principles, Procedures and Correlations.
Murvay Printing Company , Philadelphia.
3-Burdon,D.W.1970.Quantitative Studies of Urinary immu-
-nologlobulin in hosptal Patients including patients with
Urinay tract infection . Clin.Exp.Immunol.6:189-196.
4-Boyer,R.F.1986.Modren Expermental Biochemistry.
Addison – Wesely Publishing Company, Massachusettes.
5-Crucishanck,R.;Duguid,P.;Marimoio,B.P.and Swain,R.H.
A.1975. Medical Microbiology .Vol.2. 12th.ed.English Med
-cal Books Language Society,London. 459

6-Garvey,G.S.;Cremer,N.E.and Sassdrof,D.H.1977.Method In Immunology. 3 rd ed.Addson .Wesely Publishing Com-
-pany .I.N.C.Masschuscttes, 517-534.
7-Haproach,P.D.1960.Culture of the Urine .J.Lab&Clin.
8-Heimer,S.P.and Mobley,H.L.T.1998.Protus,Infection and
Immunity In:Eucyclopedia of Immunology Vol.4(2 nd ed.)
P.J.Delves and I.M.Rott(eds.)P:2039-2042.
9-Kamazawa,J.;Matsumoto,T.1997.Complicated Urinary tract infections In ,Bergan , T(ed.) Urinary tract infections.
Infectology Vol. l. Karger, 19- 26.

10-Macfaddin,F.2000.Biochemical Identification of Medica
Bacteria .2 nd ed.
11-Maclaren ,D.M.1969.The Significance of Urease in pro-
leus Pyelonephritis :A Histological and Biochemical Study
1969. J.Path.97:43-49.
12-Mahdi,M.S.2000.Role of Urinary Secretory Immunoglo-
-buline in Pyuria Patients. M.Sc .Thesis.Babylon University .
-mical quantitation of antigens by Singal radil immunodi-
ffusion. Immunochem.2:235-354.
14-Mishell,B.B. and Shiigi,S.M.1980.Select Methods in
cellular Immunology .W.H.Freeman and Company,San
15-O Connell,C.J.1980.Laboratory diagnosis of infections
disease .2 nd .Medical Examination Publishing.Co.I.N.C.
16-Shnawa,I.M.S.1996.Type ,Prevalance,Seasonal Varia-
-tions of human Pyuria at Babylon Province.Iraq.J.Sci.37
17-Shnawa, I.M.S. and Thwaini,Q.N.2002.Lapin Mucosal
humoral versus Systemic humoral and and Cellular admini-
-ion of heat kielled C. feutus. J.Baby.Univ.45(3):538-543.

18-Shuker,W.S.H.1998.A method for Isolation of injured
micro-organisms From Urinary tract Infection in Women.
M.Sc.Thesis.Babylon University.
19-Soberg,M.1968.Invtro migration inhibition of peripher-al blood leucocytes in delayed type hypersensitivity . Act.Med.Scand.184:235-
20-Soberg-Eden,G&Svenerholm,A.M.1978.Secretory Imm-
-unoglobuline A and G antibodies Prevent adhesion of Esc-
-herichia Coli to human epithelial cell. Infect.Immunol.21:
305- 313.
21-Siliverbllatt,F.J.1974.Host-Parastic interaction in the the
Rate .Renal plvis Apossible Role for pili in the Pathogenes-
-is of Pylonephritis .J.Exp.Med.(40):1696-1680.
22-Uelling,D.T.;Johnson,D.B.;Hopkine,W.J.1999.The Uri-
-nary tract response to entry of Pathogens.World.J.Urol.17:
351- 398 .
23-Zubler,R.H.1998.A ntigenes T dependent and Independ-
-ent:Delves,R.J.and Roitt,I(eds).Encyclopedia of Immunol-
-ogy.Vol.1.Academic Press,London.214-218.
24-Zunino,P.;Geymonat,L.;Allen,A.G.Legnani-Fajardo, G.;Immunology of Protus Persistant Pyuria Patientes

Ibrahim , M.S.Shnawa and Baha, H.H.AL-Amidi

Department of Biology \College of Science\Babylon
University \Hillah\ P.O.Box 4.IRAQ.
College of dentistry \ Babylon University \Hillah
The Species that are involed in human persistant pyuria were Protus mirabilis & Protus vulgaris the course of the
Disease was of chronic persistant type and the patients showed
total serum protein , total serum globulin , mucosal globu-
lin, serum IgG, IgM and IgA higher than those of normal subjects in immunoreactive patients , while these were slig-
htly higher than those of normal subjects in immunocompr-omized patients . Proteus whole cell heat antigens detected
clinically significant circulating and mucosal . Protus speci-
fic agglutinins to titres of 400 and 40; 360 , 36 respectively
Leucocyte inhibition indicies were 96.2 , 95.8 as that of no-rmal human subjects .Thus , the Proteal immunodominant
epitope may be of T independent Type 1 nature.

مناعة المتقلبات المشتركة مع مرضى البيلة القيحية المستديمة

ابراهيم محمد سعيد شناوة و بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدى
قسم علوم الحياة / كلية العلوم / جامعة بابل /الحلة ص ب 4 / العراق
فرع الاحياء المجهرية / كلية طب الاسنان / جامعة بابل
وجد بان المتقلبات المشتركة مع البيلة القيحية المستديمة هى من نوعين
. Pr. vulgaris Pr.mirabilis وكانت طبيعة هذة البيلة مزمنة و مستديمة .ازدادت
مستويات كل من البروتين المصلى الكلى و الكلوبيولين المصلى والمخاطى و تراكيز اصناف
الكلوبيوتينات المناعية ,IgA M Ig IgG , فى المرضى عما هو علية فى الاسوياء
وكانت فى مرضى الخفض المناعى مرتفعة قليلا عن تلك التي فى الاسوياء
كانت عيارات الضد التلازنى المتخصص لمعدلات400 , 40 و 360, 36 لكل من النوعين على التوالى فى كل من المصل و الكتوبيولين المخاطى
واظهرت معاملات تثبيط هجرة الخلايا البيض بين 96.2و 95.8 اى تثبيط غير معنوى مشابة كما يحدث فى حالة الاسوياء. وتفسر هذة النتائج على اساس ان الذرى المستضدية السائدة مناعيا من نوع غير المعتمدة على الخلايا التائية 1

The Protus mirabilis and Protus vulgaris are known as opportunistic human pathogens (Brooks et al .1998).Several studies have been carried out elsewhere in the world .
(Kamazawaia and Mutsumoto, 1997)
and in this area (Shnawa, 1996 .;AL-Nasiri,2000) have been emphasizing their roles as uropathogens.
Mahdi, 2000,found these protus species inducing muco-
humoral immune responses . The present work was an att-
empt to investigate the humoral as wall as cellular immu-ne responses both in immunoreactive and immunocompro-
mized patients with persistants pyuria .

Materials And Methods
Nintgeen patients with persistant pyuria were immunor-
reactive and three patients were immunosuppres.From
each each of which , a clean catch midstream urine,blood
with and without anticoagulent were collected (Oconnell,
1982.;Mishill and Shiigi , 1982). Standarized methods a
applied in bacteriology &immunology of these cases wer
mentioned briefly in table-1.Ten Normal subject urine
and Blood Samples were investigated as in test group.

I- Bacteriology:
Urine cultures of these cases yields Protus mirabilis and Protus vulgaris (Table 2 ).
II- Immunology :
II- 1: Protus mirabilis
The female / Male ratio was 3/9 .The patient age range
wase 21-70 years.The medians of total serum protein was 75.94,total serum globulins 42.28 g/L and the serum album-
in to serum globulin ratio was 0.76
The serum immunoglobulin class concentrations were
15.89, 2.60 and 3.14 in patient in comparison to 11.47 , 1.95 and 2.44 g/ L in controls for the classes IgG , IgM and IgA , respectively .
The specific anti Protus mirabilis agglutinin in serum and mucosa were 360 and 36 in immuno-reactive and 200 as well as 40 in immuno-compromy patients respectively.
The ratio of systemic to mucosal agglutinin titres were
10/ 1 and 5/ 1 respectively . The correlation between conc-entration of immunoglobulin and titres of specific agglutin-
ins were of simple linear type ( Fig .1 ) as ;
Serum Y =-823.899+ 27.126 x
r = 0.615
Fc =6.1134 at p=0.0329
F r= 4.96 at P =0.01

Mucosa Y = -2.5141+53.684 x
r = 0.68
Fc=8.952 at P= 0.0329
F r=4.96 at P= 0.01
The peripheral blood leucocyte migration inhibition index and mucosal leucocyte migration inhibition index were as that of normal subject.
II-2 :Protus vulgaris
The female/ Male ratio was four to six . The range of the age of the patients were mostly 20- 50 years .
The median of total serum proteins was 73.21 g/ L .The total serum globulin concentration median was 42.28 g/L
The median of mucosal globuline concentration was 0.62
g/L . The albumin / globulin ratio was 0.73 .The median
of the different immunoglobulin class concentration were
12.71 , 2.04 and 2.96 for patients as well as 11.47 , 1.95
and 2.44. for normal subjects .These values were for IgG
IgM and IgA respectively.
The specific agglutinin in serum and mucosa for
immunoreactive were 400 and 40 while for immunocom-
promy patients they were 200 and 40 . The ratio for syst-
emic to mucosal titres were 10/ 1 and 5/ 1 respectively .
The correlation between concentrations of immunogl-
obulin during the infection and titres were of simple linear
type ( Fig- 2 ); as in the followings ;

Serum Y=-2035.16 + 57.7019 x
r= 0.7582
Fc=10.8797 at P 0.01103
Ft= 5.32 at P 0.01

Mucosal Y=-20.97213 + 88.01956 x
r = 0.6739
F c=6.6755 at P 0.03
F t=6.1755 at P 0.01

The migration inhibition index of peripheral and muco-
sal leucocytes were showing indicics as that of normal sub-ject values .

Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris ( tables 2-3 and 4 Fig 1&2 ) are being uropathogens (AL-Nassri 2002, Shnawa 1996 ). Being a uropathogen Protus
Species have several virulence associated antigens like
Cellular invassiveness, direct haemaggluttinins,Immunogl-
-obulin sipletting enzyme for IgG and IgA . outermembrane
proteins and serum resistance(Maclaren 1969, Silverblatt 1974 Zunino et al 1999).
The infection may be of aseanding typ(Sliverblatt 1914 )
The urinary tract responses to entery of proteus is complex
and involve multiple aspects of immune systems such as
cytokines, immunoglobulins and cellular such as PMNS
& T cells and B cells (Uehling et al 1999).

It seemed to be that the immunodominant immunoprotect-
-ive epitope is hexameric peptide within the haemolysin
molecule(Heimer and Mobley , 1998).
As gram negative the LPS epitope functions as T indepen-
-dent type one epitope acting as dirct B lymphocyte mit-
ogen which in turne terminated by antibody secretion (Zu-
-bler,1998). Non significant LIF results indicated that Tcell
dependent cell mediated immune reactions are not involve
in uropathic Proteu infections (Zublers, 1998).

The authors wish to express their gratitudes to Dr M.R.
Goodi for his assistence in diagnosing the persistent pyuria patients of this study.

1-AL-Nasry,Q.N. 2002.The Biology of Cell Wall defective
Microbes associated with human persistence pyuria. Ph.D.
Thesis.Babylon University.

2-Bishops,M.C.; Doen-Vanlaufer;and Fodys,E.P.1983.
Clinical Chemistry,Principles, Procedures and Correlations.
Murvay Printing Company , Philadelphia.
3-Burdon,D.W.1970.Quantitative Studies of Urinary immu-
-nologlobulin in hosptal Patients including patients with
Urinay tract infection . Clin.Exp.Immunol.6:189-196.
4-Boyer,R.F.1986.Modren Expermental Biochemistry.
Addison – Wesely Publishing Company, Massachusettes.
5-Crucishanck,R.;Duguid,P.;Marimoio,B.P.and Swain,R.H.
A.1975. Medical Microbiology .Vol.2. 12th.ed.English Med
-cal Books Language Society,London. 459

6-Garvey,G.S.;Cremer,N.E.and Sassdrof,D.H.1977.Method In Immunology. 3 rd ed.Addson .Wesely Publishing Com-
-pany .I.N.C.Masschuscttes, 517-534.
7-Haproach,P.D.1960.Culture of the Urine .J.Lab&Clin.
8-Heimer,S.P.and Mobley,H.L.T.1998.Protus,Infection and
Immunity In:Eucyclopedia of Immunology Vol.4(2 nd ed.)
P.J.Delves and I.M.Rott(eds.)P:2039-2042.
9-Kamazawa,J.;Matsumoto,T.1997.Complicated Urinary tract infections In ,Bergan , T(ed.) Urinary tract infections.
Infectology Vol. l. Karger, 19- 26.

10-Macfaddin,F.2000.Biochemical Identification of Medica
Bacteria .2 nd ed.
11-Maclaren ,D.M.1969.The Significance of Urease in pro-
leus Pyelonephritis :A Histological and Biochemical Study
1969. J.Path.97:43-49.
12-Mahdi,M.S.2000.Role of Urinary Secretory Immunoglo-
-buline in Pyuria Patients. M.Sc .Thesis.Babylon University .
-mical quantitation of antigens by Singal radil immunodi-
ffusion. Immunochem.2:235-354.
14-Mishell,B.B. and Shiigi,S.M.1980.Select Methods in
cellular Immunology .W.H.Freeman and Company,San
15-O Connell,C.J.1980.Laboratory diagnosis of infections
disease .2 nd .Medical Examination Publishing.Co.I.N.C.
16-Shnawa,I.M.S.1996.Type ,Prevalance,Seasonal Varia-
-tions of human Pyuria at Babylon Province.Iraq.J.Sci.37
17-Shnawa, I.M.S. and Thwaini,Q.N.2002.Lapin Mucosal
humoral versus Systemic humoral and and Cellular admini-
-ion of heat kielled C. feutus. J.Baby.Univ.45(3):538-543.

18-Shuker,W.S.H.1998.A method for Isolation of injured
micro-organisms From Urinary tract Infection in Women.
M.Sc.Thesis.Babylon University.
19-Soberg,M.1968.Invtro migration inhibition of peripher-al blood leucocytes in delayed type hypersensitivity . Act.Med.Scand.184:235-
20-Soberg-Eden,G&Svenerholm,A.M.1978.Secretory Imm-
-unoglobuline A and G antibodies Prevent adhesion of Esc-
-herichia Coli to human epithelial cell. Infect.Immunol.21:
305- 313.
21-Siliverbllatt,F.J.1974.Host-Parastic interaction in the the
Rate .Renal plvis Apossible Role for pili in the Pathogenes-
-is of Pylonephritis .J.Exp.Med.(40):1696-1680.
22-Uelling,D.T.;Johnson,D.B.;Hopkine,W.J.1999.The Uri-
-nary tract response to entry of Pathogens.World.J.Urol.17:
351- 398 .
23-Zubler,R.H.1998.A ntigenes T dependent and Independ-
-ent:Delves,R.J.and Roitt,I(eds).Encyclopedia of Immunol-
-ogy.Vol.1.Academic Press,London.214-218.
24-Zunino,P.;Geymonat,L.;Allen,A.G.Legnani-Fajardo, G.;
Maskell,D.J.2000.Virulence of aproteus mirabilis AFT iso-
-genic mutant is notimpaired in amouse model of ascend-
-ing Urinary infection . FEMS. Immunol.Microbiol 29:137-

Table(1):The nature of the assays (A),shortcut a ccount (B) as well as the based reference (C)
B A No
Haproch 1960
Shuker 1998

Macffadin 2000
Direct Quadrate culture
Indirect Enrichment then
Quadratic culture
Conventional classical and
Miniaturized Epi- 20 Bacterology urine culture
Biochemical properties ه
MacCoy &Kenndy

Shnawa &Thwaini
Benzel conumium Chlorid
Treated whol cell antigen

Sensitizer Antigen,Sensitizers
Particulate antigen

Cell free culture filtrate
Mishill &Shiigi 1980

Garvey et al 1977
Garvey et al 1977
Soberg 1968
Mancini et al 1965

Collection for leucocytes

Collection for Sera
Classification Mancini leural Systemic Immune
Cellular Immunology

Burdon 1970.&
Mahdi 2000

Boyer 1986
Bishop 1986

Crucishank et al 1975

Soberg 1968 Separation with 6%-PEG-
Mucosal antibody three days
Dialysis Saline and D.W
Protein Estimation by Biurt
Slide and Tube with and
Without 2ME treatment
Leucocyte Inhibit by Capillary Mathod Mucosal Immune Responses
Mucosal Immunoglobulin


Table 2 : characterization of uropathic Protus Isolates

Characters Protus mirabilis

Convential Epi 20

Protus vulgaris

Convential Epi 20
Gram Reaction - - - -
Shape Rods Rods Rods
Indol - - - -
Motility M M M M
Catalase + + + +
Oxidase - - - -
MR - - - -
VP + + + +
Citrate + + + +
Glucose + + + +
Lactose - -
- -
Sucrose + + + +
deaminase FA FA FA FA

FA= Facultative Anaerobic .

Table 3:Imunology of Protus Human Persistant Pyuria / I
Immuno reactive

Characters Pr.mirabilis Pr.vulgaris Control
F / M ratio 3/ 9 4/6 3/7
Age Range
11-20 - 1 -
21-29 1 - 2
30-39 6 6 3
40-49 2 2 3
50-59 2 1 2
60-70 1 - -

Median of ;
Total Serum Protein 75.94 73.21 70.27
Serum Globulin 42.28 42.28 34.42
Mucosal Globulin 0.67 0.62 0.2
S G / M G 63.10 68.19 174.6
S AIb/ S G 0.76 0.73 1.01
Median of ;
IgG g/L 15.89 12.71 11.47
IgM g/L 2.60 2.04 1.95
IgA g/L 3.14 2.96 2.44
Median of Specific
Antibody titres
In serum 360 400 -
In mucosa 36 40 -
S T / M T 10 / 1 10/ 1 -
Median of LIF Systemic 0.94 0.96 0.98
Median of LIF Mucosal 0.95 0.94 0.97
Table 4 : Immunology of Proteus Human Persistant Pyuri/ Immunocompromized

Character Pr. mirabilis (2 ) Control
Pr. vulgaris ( 1)
Median of
Total Serum Protein g/L 72.42 70.27
Total Serum globulin g/L 38.28 34.92
Mucosal globulin g/L 0.57 0.2
Serum globulin/M G g/L 170.2 174.1
AIb / Glob ratio : 0.917 1.01

Median of Serum
IgG g/L 11.05 11.47
IgM g / L 1.25 1.95
IgA g / L 2.59 2.44

Median Specific
Antiboby Titres
Serum 200 -
Mucosa 40 -
S T / M T 5/ 1 -

Maskell,D.J.2000.Virulence of aproteus mirabilis AFT iso-
-genic mutant is notimpaired in amouse model of ascend-
-ing Urinary infection . FEMS. Immunol.Microbiol 29:137-

Table(1):The nature of the assays (A),shortcut a ccount (B) as well as the based reference (C)
B A No
Haproch 1960
Shuker 1998

Macffadin 2000
Direct Quadrate culture
Indirect Enrichment then
Quadratic culture
Conventional classical and
Miniaturized Epi- 20 Bacterology urine culture
Biochemical properties ه
MacCoy &Kenndy

Shnawa &Thwaini
Benzel conumium Chlorid
Treated whol cell antigen

Sensitizer Antigen,Sensitizers
Particulate antigen

Cell free culture filtrate
Mishill &Shiigi 1980

Garvey et al 1977
Garvey et al 1977
Soberg 1968
Mancini et al 1965

Collection for leucocytes

Collection for Sera
Classification Mancini leural Systemic Immune
Cellular Immunology

Burdon 1970.&
Mahdi 2000

Boyer 1986
Bishop 1986

Crucishank et al 1975

Soberg 1968 Separation with 6%-PEG-
Mucosal antibody three days
Dialysis Saline and D.W
Protein Estimation by Biurt
Slide and Tube with and
Without 2ME treatment
Leucocyte Inhibit by Capillary Mathod Mucosal Immune Responses
Mucosal Immunoglobulin


Table 2 : characterization of uropathic Protus Isolates

Characters Protus mirabilis

Convential Epi 20

Protus vulgaris

Convential Epi 20
Gram Reaction - - - -
Shape Rods Rods Rods
Indol - - - -
Motility M M M M
Catalase + + + +
Oxidase - - - -
MR - - - -
VP + + + +
Citrate + + + +
Glucose + + + +
Lactose - -
- -
Sucrose + + + +
deaminase FA FA FA FA

FA= Facultative Anaerobic .

Table 3:Imunology of Protus Human Persistant Pyuria / I
Immuno reactive

Characters Pr.mirabilis Pr.vulgaris Control
F / M ratio 3/ 9 4/6 3/7
Age Range
11-20 - 1 -
21-29 1 - 2
30-39 6 6 3
40-49 2 2 3
50-59 2 1 2
60-70 1 - -

Median of ;
Total Serum Protein 75.94 73.21 70.27
Serum Globulin 42.28 42.28 34.42
Mucosal Globulin 0.67 0.62 0.2
S G / M G 63.10 68.19 174.6
S AIb/ S G 0.76 0.73 1.01
Median of ;
IgG g/L 15.89 12.71 11.47
IgM g/L 2.60 2.04 1.95
IgA g/L 3.14 2.96 2.44
Median of Specific
Antibody titres
In serum 360 400 -
In mucosa 36 40 -
S T / M T 10 / 1 10/ 1 -
Median of LIF Systemic 0.94 0.96 0.98
Median of LIF Mucosal 0.95 0.94 0.97
Table 4 : Immunology of Proteus Human Persistant Pyuri/ Immunocompromized

Character Pr. mirabilis (2 ) Control
Pr. vulgaris ( 1)
Median of
Total Serum Protein g/L 72.42 70.27
Total Serum globulin g/L 38.28 34.92
Mucosal globulin g/L 0.57 0.2
Serum globulin/M G g/L 170.2 174.1
AIb / Glob ratio : 0.917 1.01

Median of Serum
IgG g/L 11.05 11.47
IgM g / L 1.25 1.95
IgA g / L 2.59 2.44

Median Specific
Antiboby Titres
Serum 200 -
Mucosa 40 -
S T / M T 5/ 1 -

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