معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Immunity of Outer Membrane Protein of Campylobacter jejuni in Rabbits

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

لمى جاسم حمود وتوت

Citation Information

لمى,جاسم,حمود,وتوت ,Immunity of Outer Membrane Protein of Campylobacter jejuni in Rabbits , Time 17/10/2016 09:54:40 : كلية طب الاسنان

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Two groups of rabbits were used, first group was with outer membrane protein (test group) and second with normal saline (control group). Specific antibodies titer were higher in test group than control group in both local and systemic and the ratio of local to systemic antibodies was (10:1)Phagocytosis was studied by using nitrobluetetrazolium dye reduction (NBT) on test group were (0.82,0.84,0.72) comparison with control was (0.7) in systemic respectively.Cell meiated immunity was evaluated by using (LIF). (LIF) was significant in test group and non significant in control group both local and systemic immunity.

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Immunity of Outer Membrane Protein of Campylobacter jejuni in Rabbits.
Abstract :
Two groups of rabbits were used, first group was with outer membrane protein (test group) and second with normal saline (control group). Specific antibodies titer were higher in test group than control group in both local and systemic and the ratio of local to systemic antibodies was (10:1)Phagocytosis was studied by using nitrobluetetrazolium dye reduction (NBT) on test group were (0.82,0.84,0.72) comparison with control was (0.7) in systemic respectively.Cell meiated immunity was evaluated by using (LIF). (LIF) was significant in test group and non significant in control group both local and systemic immunity.
Delayed type hypersensitivity test was used in vivo and was significant in control group than test group with (OMP) antigens.It can conclude that (OMP) of C.jejuni induce immune response humeral and cellular local and systemic.

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