معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Turkiy Albiermana brand educational curriculum developer

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

حوراء عباس كرماش السلطاني

Citation Information

حوراء,عباس,كرماش,السلطاني ,Turkiy Albiermana brand educational curriculum developer , Time 30/11/2016 18:06:30 : كلية التربية الاساسية

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Turkiy Albiermana brand educational curriculum developer

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

I ve had some workers in the field of education perceive the educational process single-lens side narrow-minded understanding of Adzaon educational work into parts to be virtually separate from each other and look at these parts sometimes like the goals of a stand-alone seek to achieve these teaching methods and the curriculum and other teaching aids . This view of the retail component of the educational process can not contribute to creating an effective educational institutions are able to achieve their goals properly and influential. For this to be the adoption of educational philosophy adopts integrative direction in dealing with the educational effectiveness within the classroom overall outlook, because the components of the educational effectiveness depends each one over the other and supplemented, it can not be the centerpiece of the educational process axes alone to achieve the goal established for which the educational institution (university or school), social philosophy (general philosophy of the state) must be consistent with the educational philosophy and approach must take into account the nature of educational philosophy and dimensions. In order to be curriculum influential and effective, there must be a living relationship (dynamic) between them and the teaching methods, teaching methods it has to take into account the needs of students and their potential mental and cognitive conditions and environmental, social and economic surrounding them so that we can achieve the educational goals to be accomplished. From this standpoint depart Turkish baker Albiermana Issa, one of the Arab Iraqi Babylonian scientific figures mark to contribute effectively to the educational process and educational curricula development. It was his views and his writings echo broad and significant in the development of educational curricula. And still many professors and researchers based in scientific and educational character model in teaching them, it was their professor and educator at the same time. In this research, we will take light on Turkish Albiermana (a scientist and an educator) Iraqi mark Babylonian ornaments, and we will review his life, and the most important scientific and practical achievements and its role in the educational process and curricula development. Therefore, this research tries to shed light on this professor and educator and creative world and give him a real prestigious place among Iraq in particular Arab scholars and scientists in general. In appreciation of his efforts.

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