معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Proposed New Watermarking Approach for Vector Image

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

ماجد جبار جواد الفنهراوي

Citation Information

ماجد,جبار,جواد,الفنهراوي ,Proposed New Watermarking Approach for Vector Image , Time 03/12/2016 10:52:34 : كلية العلوم للبنات

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

related to vector map and digital watermarking

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

While the transmission technology of data is increases rapidly, the technology to protect
these from unauthorized users need to be enhanced. There are several technologies have used
such as cryptography, but this technology don’t provide efficient solution. Digital watermarking
technology can provide efficient solution to the above crucial problem. Digital watermarking is
applied in several media such as image, audio, video, text. As we know, in most of the applications
of digital watermarking, the watermark is used to protect the copyright of digital product. In the
other word, the product(cover) is important. According to this fact, we presented a new watermarking
concept called intelligent watermarking. We took vector map of GIS (Geographic Information
System), as case study. Briefly, the scheme depends on the feature of the cover. The embedding
of the watermark can be done in several steps. First extracting some features from the original
digital vector map. Second combining these features with external watermark in order to get the
intelligent watermark. Third embedding the intelligent watermark in the vector map to get the
watermarked vector map. The extracting of the watermark can be done in several steps. First,
extract the intelligent watermark from the watermarked digital vector map. Second decomposing
the intelligent watermark into features and external watermark. Third reversing the extracted
features to features of watermarked vector map. So, if the watermarked vector map is attacked,
this watermarked vector map will be distorted, otherwise will not be distorted. Our proposed
scheme can be applied in all the other media.

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