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كلية طب حمورابي
A Study of Measles Epidemic in Babylon Teaching Hospital for Pediatrics and Gynecology
Measles is a viral disease with a distinctive maculopapular rash, and the mortality rate might reach about 25% because of malnutrition and lead to devastating complications. The vaccine and the introduction of oral vitamin A in the management of infected children with severe measles has dramatically changed the epidemiology of measles and the morbidity and mortality is greatly reduced.
Comparative study between icteric and non-icteric hepatitis A among pediatric patients admitted to Babylon Maternity Hospital, Iraq
Acute infections of viral hepatitis are considered as serious health threats of the populations around the world. There are diverse forms of the infections that exhibit wide range of epidemiology and natural histories. Viral hepatitis A is the most public and common viral hepatitis throughout the childhood period, particularly in the developing countries.
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