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عدد المقالات والبحوث 10 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة

Mocus Algorithm for obtaining minimal cut setes (mcs) of a random computer network  4671 Views
Methods: Reliability, Mocus Algorithem, computer
Mocus Algorithm for obtaining Minimal cut set (Mcs) of a random computer network system  1215 Views
A cut set can be defiend as acollection of components
A modified technique to evaluate the reliability of Atomium Bridge  1265 Views
This paper provides a new innovation in order to evaluate the reliability of Atomium Bridge, which represent a network with minimal/minimum cycle paths between entry/exit node, as well as computer programming has been used to a create an algorithm which calculates the reliability of this bridge.
A modified technique to evaluate the reliability of Atomium Bridge  1940 Views
This paper provides a new innovation in order to evaluate the reliability of Atomium Bridge, which represent a network with minimal/minimum cycle paths between entry/exit node, as well as computer programming has been used to a create an algorithm which calculates the reliability of this bridge.
الأستقلال التبادلي الشرطي بالأعتماد على التوزيع الأسي  2045 Views
الأستقلال التبادلي
Evaluation the Reliability and MTTF for Non – Maintained Standby Systems  2471 Views
Using Some Techniques To Increase System Reliability  2372 Views
Reliability Allocation in Parallel – Series Systems  2264 Views
A Modified Method for Calculating Reliability Allocation  2152 Views
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Reliability Methods for Solving Complex Systems  3262 Views
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