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عدد المقالات والبحوث 9 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة

Filters Topology in light of Fuzzy Logic  926 Views
This paper is a try to promote the principles of filters on a classical sets into a fuzzy sets
On Fourth Combining of Wavelet from RASP Family with Wavelet from SLOG Family and Membership Function   935 Views
The compose among the wavelets functions from different familiesnction, such Gaussian membership function, that apply some condition for wavelets. That through fourth order composes to get on new membership function we will call it (GaSLR)membership function(from words Gaussian SLOG RASP), with combined features from the functions that it were constructed from it, this function could be used as activation function in several models such as; Fuzzy Neural Networks, Wavenets, and other Neural Networks
Variation of Probability Values Respect to Exponential Distribution with Fuzzy Logic  2024 Views
relationship between fuzzy logic principles and a probability principles
Mathematical Model for Fuzzy Systems  2034 Views
Many models have a practical applications ,a fuzzy system is one of them
Numerical Comparison Function for Weibull Distribution Probability Values with PossibilityValues for Fuzzy Logic  1947 Views
The relationship between possibility and probability
تكنولوجيا التعليم ومصادر التعلم فيها  2399 Views
تكنولوجيا التعليم التي اصبحت من اهم الاتجاهات في التربية والتعليم في العصر الحديث
Hybriding Fuzzy Logic with wavelets   1916 Views
Most works are on wavenets (wavelets with Neural Networks NNs.
Filters Topology in light of Fuzzy Logic  1949 Views
This paper is a try to promote the principles of filters on a classical sets into a fuzzy sets under definitions of mathematical operations such intersections(disjunctions) and union(conjunction
Constructing a Membership Functions by Composite Way  2153 Views
Constructing a Membership Functions by Composite Way

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