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عدد المقالات والبحوث 7 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة

Some Geometric Properties of Julia Sets of Maps  1971 Views
In this work, we will study the geometric properties of Julia sets of the quadratic polynomial maps
Some Topological properties of Julia sets of maps  1888 Views
study the topological properties of Julia sets of the quadratic polynomial maps
The Non Wandering Points of Henon map H =   1762 Views
study the wandering points in Henon map
we solve convergent sequence by using the parabola equation which have a small positive parameter and find a unique solution for a given convergent sequence.
The dynamics of Henon Map H = Where ,   1879 Views
To determine the Henon map H , , has no periodic point for any period in the plane by dividing the plane to some region
Calculation Lyapunov Exponents for Types of Local Bifurcation  1894 Views
The basic goal of the dynamical systems is to understand the eventual or asymptotic behavior of an iterative process.
Iteration with Periodic Point of Henon Map where   1842 Views
study the henon map

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