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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  مهند موسى كريم الحجامي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 14 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية العلوم

Photocatalytic Decolorization of Celestine Blue B from Industrial Wastewaters Over Ni3O4- MgO Coupled Oxides  1055 Views
preparation of the coupled oxide Ni3O4-MgO using co-precipitation method with using their corresponding nitrates as precursor materials to prepare these coupled oxides
Biological Activity of Cefotaxime Sodium and their Complexes with Iron and Copper Metals  946 Views
compare between inhibitory effect of cefotaxime sodium and their complexes with heavy metals (iron and copper).
دراسة تركيز بعض العناصر النزرة والايونات الموجبة والسالبة في المياه الجوفية لمناطق مختارة من محافظة بابل  965 Views
العناصر النزرة والايونات الموجبة والسالبة في المياه الجوفية لمناطق مختارة
Synthesis and antibacterial activity of 4,6-di(methyl-B-thiourea)-m-xylene  878 Views
reaction 4,6-di(chloromethyl)-m-xylene with thiourea solution/isoprropanol and tested for antibacterial activity.
Determination of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) concentration  945 Views
The goal of this search is to determine the concentration of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid ) in some of a Commercial Products, Vegetables and Fruit Juices by Redox Titration
Determination of Selected Essential and Trace Elements in Traditional  917 Views
some essential and trace elements such as, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, and Lead in ppm unites in some Iraq s vegetables determined to investigate the causes of pollution
Photocatalytic Cracking of n – Hexacosane ( n- C26H54 ) Using Zinc Oxide  982 Views
The photodegradation of n-hexacosane (n- C26H54) by sensitized zinc oxide was investigated
Synthesis 2-AlkylCyclohexanones by Free- Radical Addition  889 Views
Free -radical addition of cyclohexanone to several alkenes studied in the presence of ammonium persulfate as initiator
Synthesis and Characterization of New Zinc-phthalocyanine  885 Views
Substituted zinc phthalocyanine was synthesized in this study. The reaction of 4- nitro Phthalonitrile with ZnCl2 in the presence of dimethyl amino ethanol
Synthesis and Characterization of New Prodrug Polymers and  885 Views
The main concern of modern science is to develop novel drugs and improve present drug’s therapeutic efficiency.
Preparation and characterization of (Co,Mn)(Co,Mn)2O4/MgO catalysts  884 Views
A (Co,Mn)(Co,Mn)2O4/MgO catalyst was prepared by simple co-precipitation from an aqueous solution of the mixed metal salts using sodium carbonate
Synthesis and Characterization of Naphthalenediimide-  844 Views
Flavoenzymes are an important class of redox-active enzymes that are responsible for maintaining a
Naphthalenediimide-Functionalized Flavin Derivatives  598 Views
Two acceptor–acceptor dyads have been synthesized featuring a flavin moiety and a naphthalenediimide (NDI) unit
The Impact of Driving Force on Electron Transfer Rates  550 Views
Organic semiconductors have great potential for the development of large-scale, fl exible, and semitransparent solar panels

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