عدد المقالات والبحوث
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كلية الطب
The Relationship between Tumour Necrosis Factor -Alpha and Zinc/Copper Ratio in Iraqi Patients with Allergic Rhinitis 1287 Views
Background: Allergi rhinitis(AR) is a significant cause of widespread morbidity, high medical treatment costs,reduced work productivity,lowquality of life and can be associated with conditions such as fatigue, headache, cognitive impairment, and sleep disturbance. Aim of the study: To find out the relation between tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-?) and Zn/Cu ratioin the patients with mild or moderate/severe cases. Patients and Methods: Ninety subject were enrolled in this study .Fifty patients with AR were subdivided into two groups i.e. mild (comprising 20 patients) with AR , moderate/ severe (comprising 30 patients) with AR . Forty subjects who are apparently healthy were taken as a control group. Serum TNF-? was determind by using enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA
The Relationship between Tumor Necrosis Factors-alpha (TNF- ? )and Oxidative Stress in Iraqi Patients with Asthma 1166 Views
Abstract Asthma is the most common chronic disease of the airways, involving the imbalance of oxidative and antioxidative agents. There is an increased free radical generation and a decreased antioxidant enzyme activity. This study designed to find
Evaluation of amylase activity in patients with type 2 daibetes mellitus 1140 Views
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder which is associated with hyperglycemia. It is caused by a derangement in the secretion or function of the endocrinal portion of the pancreas. There is a close anatomical and functional relationship between its exocrine and endocrine portions. The current study was designed to evaluate the changes in amylase levels in diabetic patients and study the correlation of amylase activity with chronic hyperglycemia and duration of diabetes mellitus. The results of
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