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عدد المقالات والبحوث 12 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية العلوم للبنات

Soft mathematical system to solve black box problem through development the FARB based on hyperbolic and polynomial functions  292 Views
This work attempts to design a method for computerbased mathematical model of multi-parametric datasets that their features are fully-automatic structural and parametric optimization of models
Study the impact of using Lock-free buffer to communicate the DOACROSS loop iterations EHA Alwan Journal ofB abylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences  197 Views
Communication dependency overhead becomes the biggest obstacle that facing the parallelizing loops containing loop-carried dependencies such us DOACROSSloop. Although of a substantial researcheshad been devoted tothis field, the problem still far from solve
The classification of heart sound by using ANNS  224 Views
Heart auscultation (the interpretation by a physician of heart sounds) is a fundamental component in cardiac diagnosis. It is, however, a difficult skill to acquire. In this work, we present a study for a system intended to aid in heart sound classification based on a FFT of the sounds and a neural network
Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Compiler Sequences Ordering  200 Views
Recent compilers provided many of optimization passes, thus even for expert programmers it is really hard to know which compiler optimization among several optimizations passes can improve program performance. Moreover, the search space for optimization sequences is very huge
Using Machine Learning to Predict the Sequences of Optimization Passes  159 Views
Recent compilers provided many of optimization passes, thus even for expert programmers it is really hard to know which compiler optimization among several optimizations passes can improve program performance. Moreover, the search space for optimization sequences is very huge
Using Machine Learning to Predict the Sequences of Optimization Passes  143 Views
Recent compilers provided many of optimization passes, thus even for expert programmers it is really hard to know which compiler optimization among several optimizations passes can improve program performance. Moreover, the search space for optimization sequences is very huge
Selecting Best CPU frequency for energy saving in cluster using genetic algorithm  138 Views
Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) is a technique mainly used for reducing the consumed energy of computer’s processor. Its only drawback detracting the performance of parallel application when executing them over parallel platform.
Multi-objective Optimization of Grid Computing for Performance, Energy and Cost  135 Views
In this paper, new multi-objective optimization algorithm is proposed. It optimizes the execution time, the energy consumption and the cost of booked nodes in the grid architecture at the same time.
Programs features clustering to find optimization sequence using genetic algorithm  140 Views
Finding the best optimization sequence order that can improve the performance for even a simple program is not an easy task.
Finding a Good Global Sequence using Multi-Level Genetic Algorithm   134 Views
Trying all the optimization sequences manually to find out a
Enhancing the performance of Decoupled Software Pipeline through Backward Slicing   687 Views
The main contribution of this paper is to demonstrate that the application of DSWP, followed by slicing offers notable improvements over DSWP alone, especially when there is a loopcarried dependence that prevents the application of the simpler DOALL optimization.
Data Provenance Survey Based On It s Applications   692 Views
Data provenance is defined as the origin and process history of a derived data item, which is becoming increasingly important for scientific research work.

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