تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  زياد عمران موسى عبود المرشدي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 4 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية العلوم للبنات

Estimation the photo activity of antimony tri oxide using Safranin-O dye and ultraviolet lamp  534 Views
Nowadays, neutral and industrial dye has been used for dying of cotton, silk and wood, because of the color, taste
Synthesis of Multifunctionalised 2-Substituted Benzimidazoles Using Copper (II) Hydroxide as Efficient Solid Catalyst  506 Views
Here we demonstrate the synthesis of multifunctionalised benzimidazoles through the coupling of o-phenylenediamine with aldehydes by using Copper (II) hydroxide as an efficient solid catalyst in methanol at room temperature.
Synthesis and Characterization of new Schiff Base Derived from 1,2-Di (indol-2-yl) - 2-hydroxyethanone.  667 Views
The reaction of two moles of some aromatic aldehyde to form a new carbon-carbon bond by catalytic effect of cyanide ion in alcoholic solvents is known as the benzoin condensation.
Preparation of Azo dye and study of the photo activity of zinc oxide  679 Views
This work include two parts, the first part preparation of 3-[(4-Phenyl azo-phenylimino)-methyl]-phenol

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