تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  محمد حمزة دحام المعموري
عدد المقالات والبحوث 7 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية هندسة المواد

Effect of Carbon Black Types on Curing Behavior of Natural Rubber  506 Views
Effect of Carbon Black Types on Curing Behavior of Natural Rubber
Effect of Carbon Black on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) Composite  528 Views
Effect of Carbon Black on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) Composite
Production of Nano-Silica from Water Glass  572 Views
Production of Nano-Silica from Water Glass
Study of Thermal Stability of Nitrile Rubber/Polyimide Compounds  536 Views
Study of Thermal Stability of Nitrile Rubber/Polyimide Compounds
Effect of Cd substitution on dielectric and magneticpropertiesOf the synthesis ferrite (Ni Zn) x Cd1-x Fe2o4  572 Views
Effect of Cd substitution on dielectric and magneticpropertiesOf the synthesis ferrite (Ni Zn) x Cd1-x Fe2o4
Effect of Silica on the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Reclaim Composite  523 Views
Effect of Silica on the Mechanical Properties of Rubber Reclaim Composite
Effect of M2+ substitution on properties of the system Nix Zn1-x-y My Fe2O4  522 Views
Effect of M2+ substitution on properties of the system Nix Zn1-x-y My Fe2O4

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