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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  علي يعقوب يوسف السلطاني
عدد المقالات والبحوث 6 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية العلوم للبنات

Pragmatic method based on intelligent big data analytics to prediction air pollution  1039 Views
The main purpose of this proposal is design predictor to accurately forecast air quality indices (AQIs) of the future 48 h.
Speaker Localization using Eenhanced Beamforming  1498 Views
This paper deals with the speaker localization inside the room, the proposed system based on using distributed microphones arrays and benefit from its advantages over single microphone
Multi-objective Optimization of Grid Computing for Performance, Energy and Cost  1176 Views
In this paper, new multi-objective optimization algorithm is proposed. It optimizes the execution time, the energy consumption and the cost of booked nodes in the grid architecture at the same time
Swarm intelligence in anomaly detection systems: an overview  1120 Views
This review paper pursues a twofold goal. First is to review various swarm-based anomaly detection methods and to provide new insights in that direction. Secondly, to replenish the literature with fresh reviews on swarm-based data mining studies based on anomaly detection
Swarm intelligence in anomaly detection systems: an overview  1185 Views
This review paper pursues a twofold goal. First is to review various swarm-based anomaly detection methods and to provide new insights in that direction. Secondly, to replenish the literature with fresh reviews on swarm-based data mining studies based on anomaly detection
Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficients and Enhanced LBG algorithm for Speaker Recognition  757 Views
an improved strategy for automated text dependent speaker recognition system has been proposed in noisy environment. The preprocessing of speaker signal started with eliminate the background noise

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