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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  نورس حيدر مصطفى أل سيد حيدر
عدد المقالات والبحوث 22 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية الهندسة

Mechanical properties of the Jute fibers-activated carbon filled reinforced polyester composites  340 Views
Materials Research Express, Volume 6, Number 12
Mechanical and free vibration properties of clamshell particles/polyester composites  344 Views
Materials Research Express
Tensile and fatigue properties of Jute–Glass hybrid fibre reinforced epoxy composites  1556 Views
tensile properties and fatigue life of woven jute–glass hybrid–reinforced epoxy
Mechanical Performance and Vibration Characteristics of Glass/Jute Fibre-Reinforced Polyester Hybrid Composites  1249 Views
Mechanical properties of synthetic-natural fiber reinforced composites
Theoretical Development of Biaxial Fabric Prestressed Composites under Tension-Tension Fatigue Loading  1648 Views
Theoretical Development of Biaxial Fabric Prestressed Composite
Theoretical Development of Biaxial Fabric Prestressed Composites under Tensile or Flexural Loading  1289 Views
دراسة نظرية حول تاثير الشد الاولي للالياف على عمر الكلال للمواد المركبة
Stress relaxation effect on fatigue life of biaxial prestressed woven E-glass/polyester composites  1148 Views
دراسة حول خاصية الزحف في المواد المركبة
Buckling Analysis of Ring-Stringer Stiffened Composite Cylinder  1160 Views
Buckling analysis of stiffened composite cylinder
Buckling of stiffened composite cylinder
Mathematical representation of bolted-joint stiffness: A new suggested model  1143 Views
New formulation of bolted-joint stiffness
Fibre prestressed composites: theoretical and numerical modelling of unidirectional and plain–weave fibre reinforcement forms  1200 Views
Analyzing the fibre pretresssed composites theoretically and numerically
Instability of angled pipeline arising from internal fluids flow  1316 Views
Iraqi Journal of Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.12, No.2, 2012
Fibre prestressed polymer-matrix composites: a review  1528 Views
.This article reviews the literature studies based on improving the mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced composites using fibre-prestressing method
Effect of equi-biaxially fabric prestressing on the tensile performance of woven E-glass/polyester reinforced composites  1439 Views
.The tensile properties of prestressed fabric-reinforced composites have been investigated
Effect of fabric biaxial prestress on the fatigue of woven E-glass/polyester composites  1616 Views
Materials and Design 92 (2016) 579–589
The influence of equi-biaxially fabric prestressing on the flexural performance of woven E-glass/polyester-reinforced composites  1475 Views
DOI: 10.1177/0021998315620478 ;Journal of Composite Materials 2016
Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of a Simple Blade with Breathing Crack Using Ansys Software  2732 Views
البحث منشور في المجلة العالميه للميكانيك ( الولايات المتحدة الامريكية)
Detection of Crack in a Simple Unswept Wing Using Free Vibration Analysis  1986 Views
البحث منشور في المجلة العراقية للهندسة الميكانيكية و هندسة المواد
Optimum Design of Symmetric Laminated Reinforced Plate Subjected to in-Plane Compressive Loading: Buckling Analysis  1195 Views
البحث منشور في المجلة العراقية للهندسة الميكانيكية و هندسة المواد
Structural and Thermal Analysis of Heat Exchanger with Tubes of Elliptical Shape  1207 Views
البحث منشور في المجلة العراقية للهندسة الميكانيكية و هندسة المواد
البحث منشور في المجلة العراقية للهندسة الميكانيكية و هندسة المواد
Elastic-Plastic Stress Waves Propagation in One-Dimensional Members Using the Method of Characteristics  1256 Views
البحث منشور في المجلة العراقية للهندسة الميكانيكية و هندسة المواد

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