جامعة بابل
ضمان الجودة والاداء
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خيارات عرض البحوث
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هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة
كلية التمريض
Estimation Micr-RNA146a Gene Polymorphism in Breast Cancer Tissue
The study concluded that this gene can be conducted as risk factor in breast cancer, but it need more investigations to detect SNPs and sequencing of micro-RNA146a gene
Role of curcumin in regulating p53 in breast cancer: an overview of the mechanism of actio
This review summarizes the effects of curcumin as a regulator of p53 in BC and the key molecular mechanisms of this regulation.
Antibacterial Activity of Aquatic Zea Mays L. Hairs Extract against Different Bacteria in Babylon Province: An In-Vitro Stud
A evaluation the antibacterial, anti-biofilm, adherence and swarming in hibitory activities of Zea Nujm mays L. hair extract against different bacteria
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ادارة المستودع الاكاديمي
مجلة المحقق الحلي
مجلة العلوم الانسانية
مجلة العلوم التطبيقية والصرفة
احصائيات وارقام في المستودع
الدخول لحساب في الشبكة
ادارة مستودع بيانات الجامعة