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An Experimental Study of the Effect of Hydrogen Blending on Burning Velocity of LPG at Elevated Pressure
Article Full-text available An Experimental Study of the Effect of Hydrogen Blending on Burning Velocity of LPG at Elevated Pressure October 2016International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41(42) DOI10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.08.097 Projectshydrogen burning charectristics Haroun Shahad at Babylon University Haroun Shahad 22.48Babylon University Ahmed Sh. Yasiry at University of Babylon Ahmed Sh. Yasiry 4.56University of Babylon Abstract An experimental study on the laminar burning velocity of the premixed liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/ hydrogen/ air flames was conducted in a constant volume chamber that centrally ignited at various initial pressures (0.1-0.3 MPa) and initial temperature of (308 K).
An experimental study of the effect of hydrogen blending on burning velocity of LPG at elevated pressure
An experimental study of the effect of hydrogen blending on burning velocity of LPG at elevated pressure
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