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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  رائد نصر كاظم العبيدي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 14 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات

Pending Interest Table Control Management in Named Data Network  922 Views
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
HLLR: Highest Lifetime Least Request policy for high performance Pending Interest Table  1794 Views
HLLR is designed to replace entries in the PIT which has the minimum number of incoming faces with maximum Lifetime.
Adaptive Interest Packet Lifetime Due to Pending Interest Table Overflow  1778 Views
The objective of this paper to propose a smart scheme named Adaptive LifeTime (ALT) in order to manage the Interest Lifetime at content routers that will adapt Lifetimes as a function of the network load
Performance Evaluation of the Replacement Policies for Pending Interest Table  1765 Views
This paper study the performance of Interest drop rate, delay and Interest retransmission under different network topologies, i.e. Tree, Abilene, and Germany when the PIT is full.
A Taxonomy of Information-Centric Networking Architectures based on Data Routing and Name Resolution Approaches  1779 Views
The taxonomy serves as a basis for research directions, challenges, implementation and future studies for standardizing the ICN routing and naming.
A Taxonomy of Pending Interest Table Implementation Approaches in Named Data Networking  1979 Views
This paper aims to classify an extensive and critical concerning PIT implementation in a concise manner
Internet Protocol MANET vs Named Data MANET: A Critical Evaluation  1589 Views
The goals of this paper have two ways: first, this study provides a performance comparison of IP-MANET to ND-MANET
Performance Analysis of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols in MANET  1295 Views
The objectives of this study provides a performance comparison of MANET routing protocols
Simulation-based Performance of Transport Protocols Using MPEG-4 Traffics over 4G Network  1889 Views
Although the LTE deployment is rapidly apace, there is a lack of performance evaluation of its protocols.
Review of Name Resolution and Data Routing for Information Centric Networking  1452 Views
This paper provides a classification and review of the routing mechanisms that are proposed on six ICN architectures.
Review of Name Resolution and Data Routing for Information Centric Networking  963 Views
This paper provides a classification and review of the routing mechanisms that are proposed on six ICN architectures.
Performance Evaluation of TCP, UDP and DCCP Traffic over 4G Network  1682 Views
This study tries to evaluate if the old protocols suit with this new technology.
Using Abstraction Methods to Improve String Matching Algorithms  1384 Views
All the work relies on of how enhance the time matching to be efficient.
Detection of Harmful Insects Based on Gray-Level Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) in Rural Areas  1329 Views
The main idea shows that a tested image is composed of different texture regions of the insect and this will help to extract feature value.

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