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انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  فؤاد عطية مجيد
عدد المقالات والبحوث 23 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة

Measurement of radon concentration in some of cosmetics by using Nuclear Track Detector (CR-39)  1212 Views
قياس نسبة اشعاع الرادون في بعض مواد التجميل
Fusion and Breakup Reactions of 17S + 208Pb and 15C + 232Th Halo Nuclei Systems  952 Views
Fusion reaction of halo nuclei using semiclassical approach
Semiclassical treatment of fusion and breakup processes of 6;8He halo nuclei  1053 Views
Semiclassical approach for nuclear fusion reactions
Large-Scale Shell Model Calculations of 134,136Sn, 134,136Te around doubly-magic 132Sn  1124 Views
دارسة أنموذج القشرة لبعض النوى القريبة من القلب 132Sn
أمثلية العدسات المغناطيسية المزدوجة عديمة الدوران والتشويه باستخدام الأنموذج الكاوسي  1675 Views
التصميم الأمثل لأقطاب العدسات المغناطيسية عديمة التشويه.
Determination of Alpha Particles Concentration in Toothpaste Using CR-39 Track Detector  1564 Views
Fission track technique used to detect alpha particle concentrations
No-Core Shell Model Calculations for 6,8He, 8,10,12B  1425 Views
NCSM calculations for some light nuclei
Contribution of high energy configurations to longitudinal and transverse form factors in p- and sd-shell nuclei  1470 Views
Core polarization effects on some p- and sd-shell nuclei
Shell-Model Study of Neutron Rich Even-Even 52,54,56Cr Isotopes  2788 Views
Large-scale shell model calculations were performed to study the low lying energies, binding energy and the reduced transition probabilities
Large-Scale Shell Model Investigation of Even- Even 66-76Ni Isotopes  1987 Views
The structure of neutron-rich even-even 66-76Ni have been investigated by means of large-scale shell-model calculations.
Contribution of high energy configurations to longitudinal and transverse form factors in p- and sd-shell nuclei  1429 Views
Published in Indian Journal of Physics with impact factor 1.785 (ISI Thomson Routers)
Large-scale shell model calculation of neutron rich even-Even 54-66Fe isotopes  3142 Views
Shell model calcuations for Fe isotopes using Nushellx@msu
Role of Coupled-Channels in Heavy Ions Reactions at the Coulomb Barrier  2765 Views
The effect coupled-channels is investigated on heavy ion reactions.
The Role of the Core Polarization on C2 and C4 from Factors of fp-Shell Nuclei   3196 Views
The higher energy configurations outside the core were employed to calculate the C2 and C4 form factors of some selected fp-shell nuclei. Thomson ISI Impact Factor 0.526
The effect of breakup on the total fusion reaction cross section of stable weakly bound nuclei  3096 Views
تأثير عامل التفكك على حسابات مقطع الأستطارة للنوى ضعيفة الترابط
The effect of core polarization on longitudinal form factors in B-10  1939 Views
Core polarization effect are included though microscopic theory to study the C2 form factors of 1p-shell B-10 nucleus.
Electron scattering form factors with core polarization effects on 6Li nucleus.  1953 Views
Scattering form factors with core polarization effect
Study of Phase Transitions and Critical Points in the Rare-Earth Region in the Framework of the Interacting Boson Model (IBM-1)  2430 Views
Phase transition and critical points in the rare-earth region
Shell Model Study Of Even-Even (132-136)Te Neutron-Rich Nuclei  1884 Views
Shell model study in the mass region A=130
Full fp-shell model calculations for even-even 48-56Ti isotopes  2004 Views
Full fp-shell model calculations using Oxbash code
Dipole and Quadrupole Electroexcitations of the Isovector T = 1 Particle-Hole States in C-12  1816 Views
shell model calculations in the framewrok of particel-hole configuration.
Level excitation and transition probabilities of some nuclei in the lower fp-s  2047 Views
Shell model calculations in the lower fp-shell using Oxbash.
Longitudinal and Transverse Form Factors from C-12  2563 Views
Study of Transverse and Longitudinal form factors of C-12

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