تصفح محتويات المستودع باستخدام اسماء الناشرين

انت تشاهد مقالات الاستاذ  هادي محمد علي محمد الموسوي
عدد المقالات والبحوث 5 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية طب حمورابي

The role of CISH method in detection of HER2 gene mutation in the transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder  709 Views
Evaluate the CISH method in detection HER2 amplification and to study the correlation clinicopathological data (age, sex, grade, and stage) of patients with of transitional cell carcinoma urinary bladder with HER2 gene amplification.
Immunological and Hormonal Changes in Thyroid Goiter Patients in Correlation with Histopathological Types  688 Views
The present study was conducted in Hilla city from November 2013 to August 2014. This study was included 101 cases dividing into three groups according to the histopathological diagnosis after total thyroidoctomy.
Deficiency of Protein C and Protein S in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss  1176 Views
The aim of the study is to identify protein C and protein S deficiency in women with recurrent pregnancy loss.
Comparison and evaluation of diagnostic techniques of mycobacterium tuberculosis in Iraq  725 Views
Diagnostic tests devoted to the rapid, sensitive, and specific identification of the causative agent are key components of successful wellness plans directed at tuberculosis control. This study focusses on rapid and accurate detection of tuberculosis cases among Babylon population
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (F.N.A.C.) of Goiter A Comparative Study between F.N.A.C. and Histopathology  2316 Views
Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (F.N.A.C.) inGoiter

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