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عدد المقالات والبحوث 18 هذا الاستاذ ينشر تحت فئة كلية العلوم للبنات

A Comparative Study of Image Steganography Based on Edge Detection  386 Views
A Comparative Study of Image Steganography Based on Edge Detection
New Approach of Iris Localization for Personal Identification  344 Views
New Approach of Iris Localization for Personal Identification
Spam Email Image Classification Based on Text and Image Features  268 Views
Spam Email Image Classification Based on Text and Image Features
Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm for Image Encryption Based on Chaotic Map  258 Views
Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm for Image Encryption Based on Chaotic Map
Text Region Extraction for Noisy Spam Image  251 Views
Text Region Extraction for Noisy Spam Image
Iris Recognition System Based on Lifting Wavelet  226 Views
Iris Recognition System Based on Lifting Wavelet
Color Image Compression Using DPCM with DCT, DWT and Quadtree Coding Scheme  243 Views
Color Image Compression Using DPCM with DCT, DWT and Quadtree Coding Scheme
Iris identification system based on RLM texture features  174 Views
Iris identification system based on RLM texture features
Wavelet transform based technique for text image localization  188 Views
Wavelet transform based technique for text image localization
Wavelet transform based technique for text image localization  173 Views
البحث العلمي
A Comparative Study of Image Steganography Based on Edge Detection  174 Views
Information security has become the main concern of the most famous researchers and the focus of their attention, as they are constantly trying to find the best and safest ways to transfer information
Copyright Protection for Digital Image by Watermarking Technique  691 Views
Due to the rapid growth and expansion of the Internet, the digital multimedia such as image, audio and video are available for everyone.
Analysis Study of Spam Image-based Emails Filtering Techniques  740 Views
Solving Email has become increasingly important and widespread method of communication because of its time speed and cheap. It is used not only for personal contacts but also for business. The number of email messages received per day may be thousands for companies. The spam emails are mainly an illegal form where can reach to thousands of users easily. This type of emails has become a serious problem.
Iris Recognition System Based on Texture Features  1069 Views
Abstract— Nowadays iris recognition becomes one of the most common methods for identification like password, keys, etc. In this paper, a new iris recognition system based on texture has been proposed to recognize persons using low quality iris images. At first, the iris area is located, and then a new method for eyelash and eyelid detection is applied, the introduced method depends on making image statistical analysis, to isolate the unwanted eyelash/eyelid areas from the true iris area. For discrimination purpose a set of texture features determined from the Haar wavelet subbands is used. Here, the iris area is divided into overlapping blocks and the average energy of each Haar wavelet sub-band is determined to be used as a local feature indicator. Also, the new method depends on using a weighted overlap blocking algorithm to build the iris code. To evaluate the performance of proposed method, it was applied to identify a set of iris images taken from CASIA V4.0 (interval class) data set and CASIA V1 dataset. The test results indicated that the new method give good recognition rates (i.e., 100%) with small size of features vector for CASIA V4.0 and (99.2%) for CASIA V1 dataset.
Salt and Pepper Noise Removal Using Resizable Window and Gaussian Estimation Function   2544 Views
Most types of the images are corrupted in many ways that because exposed to different types of noises. The corruptions happen during transmission from space to another, during storing or capturing. Image processing has various techniques to process the image. Before process the image, there is need to remove noise that corrupt the image and enhance it to be as near as to the original image. This paper proposed a new method to process a particular common type of noise. This method removes salt and pepper noise by using many techniques. First, detect the noisy pixel, then increasing the size of the pixel window depending on some criteria to be enough to estimate the results. To estimates the pixels of image, the Gaussian estimation function is used. The resulted image quality is measured by the statistical quantity measures that s Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and The Structural Similarity (SSIM) metrics. The results illustrate the quality of the enhanced image compared with the other traditional techniques. The slight gradual of SSIM metric described the performance of the proposed method with high increasing of noise levels.
Wavelet transform based technique for text image localization  686 Views
text detection
Image Compression using Genetic Algorithm  661 Views
image compression
Color Image Compression Using DPCM with DCT, DWT and Quadtree Coding Scheme  816 Views
image compression

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