عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
A study of Antibacterial Activity of the Fruitpeels of Citrus sinensis & Punica granatum
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
احمد محمد عباس الموسوي
Citation Information
احمد,محمد,عباس,الموسوي ,A study of Antibacterial Activity of the Fruitpeels of Citrus sinensis & Punica granatum , Time 5/30/2011 8:09:04 AM : كلية طب الاسنان
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
The aim of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of the fruitpeels
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
A study of Antibacterial Activity of the Fruitpeels of Citrus sinensis & Punica granatumMohammed A.K AL- Saadi* Hattam A. L. M. Salih* Ahmed M. Abass*** College of Medicine / Babylon University** College of Dentistry, University of BabylonPublication : Journal of Babylon University 2003 . Vol.(9): No. 3
Abstract:The aim of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of the fruitpeels of Citrus sinensis (Portuqal) and Punica granatum (Rumman) on Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Two extraction methods were used hot water and cold water. The screening of antibacterial activity was done by agar diffusion technique. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) studies were made by agar dilution technique .The extracts of Punica granatum were statistically more effective than that of C. sinensis. Likewise,. cold extracts exhibited statistically a large degree of antibacterial activity than hot extracts .The MICs were (12.5), and (50) mg \ ml for S. aureus and P. aeruginosa respectively . K . pneumoniae was resistant to all types of extracts . Upon these results, the cold extracts of the fruitpeels of Punica granatum and to a lesser extent C. sinensis can be used as antibacterial agent in topical pharmaceutical, oral administration, and as food preservatives.Introduction:The antimicrobial activity of plants had been received attention many years ago as one of the most effective mechanism for the control of microorganisms . In Iraq , many studies have been attempted to evaluate the antibacterial activity of some plant extracts (AL-Thahab,1998 ; AL-Ani et al ., 1996 ; AL-Gazaly et al . ,2002 ). Peels of Citrus sp and Punica sp were commonly used for this purpose (Jayaprakasha et al. , 2001; Prashanth et al . 2001 ; deCastillo et al .,2001). This work has been carried out to evaluate the antibacterial activity of fruitpeel extracts of Citrus sinensis and Punica granatum on some pathogenic bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.]Materials & Methods:This study was done in Babylon University – College of Medicine with the following information: 1- Extraction Hot water and cold water extracts were prepared from fresh fruitpeelsof C. sinensis and P. granatum according to Okanla et al . ( 1994 ) .2- Bacterial isolates :Three clinical isolates were included in this work :-S. aureus , P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae . These isolates werediagnosed according to ( Baron et al . , 1994 ) .3- Studing of antibacterial activity :-Agar diffusion technique was used to determine the growth inhibition zones of bacterial growth. Agar dilution technique was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentrations ( MICs ), ( Harborne , 1984 ) . Müller – Hinton agar was used as culture media in both techniques with stock solutions of 250 mg / ml . Distilled water was used as a control.4- Statistical analysis :-The experiment consisted of three replications in a complete randomize design with 3?2?2 factorial experiment was conducted. The computations for the analysis of variance for test of significance and the least significance difference (LSD), for comparisons of the differences between the treatment means were used, (Daniel, 2000). Results and Discussion:Distilled water control revealed nil activity, whereas hot and cold extracts gave up to 10 mm inhibition zones (table – 1).S . aureus was sensitive to the hot and cold extracts of P. granatum as well as to the cold extacts of C. sinensis , P. aeruginosa was sensitive to the hot and cold extracts of P. granatum,but exhibited resistance to the hot and cold extracts of C. sinensis. K. pneumonia was unaffected by all .types of extracts (table B). MICs for S . aureus were (12.5)mg /ml with the hot and cold extracts of P. granatum and cold of extract of C. sinensis whereas MIC was 50 mg /ml with the hot extract of C. sinensis. MICs for P. aeruginosa were (50) mg/ml with the hot and cold extracts of P. granatum and (100)mg /ml of with hot extracts of C. sinensis . MICs for K. pneumonia were 250 mg/ml with hot extract of C. sinensis ,150 with cold extract of C. sinensis, hot and cold extracts of P. granatum gave 100 mg /ml MICs for K. pneumonia (table B ).The antibacterial activity of P.granatum is due to the presence of tannin, mucilage and resin in their fruit peels. Whereas fruit peels of C . sinensis contain essential oils , acids and bitter resin ( Al – Rawi & Chakravarty , 1988 ). The resistance of K . pneumoniae is due to capsule permeability masking effect . Such finding is similar to that observed by ( Al- Gazaly et al ., 2002 ) and Abdul-Latif et al * . It is apparent from the F-tests in table (4) that a highly significant difference exists among the treatments and some interactions. From these results and LSD test, it can be concluded that:1- The fruit peels of P. granatum are highly significant effect against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa than fruit peels of C. sinensis. (P<0.01).2- Cold extracts is statistically more effective than hot extracts. (P<0.01).3- K . pneumoniae is resistant to such treatments due to their encapsulation (P>0.05 ) .4- Cold extracts of fruit peels of C . sinensis and P.garantum can be used for pharmaceutical uses and as food preservatives ( vonWoedltke et al . , 1999 ) .References:1- Al-Thahab, A.O.L (1998). The antimicrobial activity of some Iraqi plants on some pathogenic bacteria. M.Sc. thesis college of science .Bablyon University .Iraq.2- Al-Ani, A.B. ; Nadir ,M. 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