معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Maternal Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in Patients with Missed and Recurrent Miscarriage

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

نادية مضر سلمان مرزة

Citation Information

نادية,مضر,سلمان,مرزة ,Maternal Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in Patients with Missed and Recurrent Miscarriage , Time 5/31/2011 11:16:46 AM : كلية الطب

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Maternal TNF-alpha in patients with recurrrent & missed miscarriage

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)


Maternal Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha in Patients with Missed and Recurrent Miscarriage
Dr.Nadia Mudher Al-Hilli FICMS (ObGyn)Babylon University/ College of Medicine
Background: TNF-? is one of the cytokines produced by the immune system. Many studies have been done to investigate the role of the immune system in first trimester pregnancy loss.
Objective: To evaluate the association of TNF-? with recurrent & missed miscarriage.
Method: a case-control study involved 35 women, 15 with recurrent miscarriage (at least three consecutive spontaneous abortions) , 10 with missed miscarriage & 10 with normal first trimester pregnancy (control group). The study was conducted from the 1st of January to 30th of June 2008. Blood samples were taken from these women, TNF-? was measured in the sera by an immunoenzymometric assay using Biosource TNF-? EASIA (Enzyme Amplified Sensitivity Immunoassay) kit (Biosource Europe S.A.).
Results:  student t-test was applied to analyze the difference in serum TNF-? level between the groups. The level of significance was defined at P value < 0.05. Significantly higher levels of TNF-? was found in women with recurrent miscarriage as compared to control group (68.94 pg/ ml versus 27.40 pg/ml). The difference was also significant when comparing women with missed miscarriage with the control group (54.39 pg/ml versus 27.40 pg/ml). The level of TNF-? was higher in women with recurrent miscarriage compared to women with missed miscarriage, however the difference between them was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: TNF-? has a significant association with miscarriage, the level is significantly higher in patients with recurrent & missed miscarriage compared to normal pregnant women; the level is higher in those with recurrent miscarriage when compared to patients with missed miscarriage.


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