معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Phytolectin Induced Experimental Lapin Immunomodulation

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

علي مالك سعد الخفاجي

Citation Information

علي,مالك,سعد,الخفاجي ,Phytolectin Induced Experimental Lapin Immunomodulation , Time 16/12/2016 17:27:22 : كلية العلوم للبنات

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

The plant seed extracts of Cucumis. sativus and Citrullus. colocynthus are containing glycoprotein molecules described to be of lectin characters

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

The plant seed extracts of Cucumis. sativus and Citrullus. colocynthus are containing glycoprotein
molecules described to be of lectin characters . These lectins were used as possible immunomodulant . The test
immunogen was Mycobaterium tuberculosis PPD and the test immune system was the rabbit with the aim of
proving of any immunomodulating effects .
The C. sativus lectin (Csl) stimulate the secondary humoral immune response and produce leucocyte
inhibitory cytokines in primary , secondary cell mediated immune responses as well as augmentation of skin
DTH reaction in both primary and secondary responses.
The C.eulocvnthus lectin (Ccl) was stimulating to primary and secondary humoral immune responses
as well as it stimulate production of Leucocyte inhibitory cytokines (LIF) both primary and secondary cell
mediated immune responses. It was however, inhibiting to skin DTH reactions in both primary and secondary
Thus Csl and Ccl are of immunomodulating potential in rabbits, Immune system affecting both
humeral and cellular arms.

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