معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Lead and Cadmium In The Breast Milk of Lactating Mothers Living In Hilla City,

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

حسن علوان حسين سعيد

Citation Information

حسن,علوان,حسين,سعيد ,Lead and Cadmium In The Breast Milk of Lactating Mothers Living In Hilla City, , Time 29/01/2017 10:02:54 : كلية طب حمورابي

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Background In the last decades, the continued efforts of scientists to measure environmental pollutants in human milk is important for defining the true toxic contribution t of these chemicals to public health, human milk is considered to be one of the most important biota to be monitored

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Background In the last decades, the continued efforts of scientists to measure
environmental pollutants in human milk is important for defining the true toxic contribution t
of these chemicals to public health, human milk is considered to be one of the most important
biota to be monitored for the presence of toxic heavy metals.
Determining of lead and cadmium concentrations in the human milk and to
identify the associations of certain potential variables with the concentrations of these
heavy metals.
Subjects and Methods
this is a cross sectional study carried out on milk expressed by a randomly
selected (68) apparently healthy lactating mothers , who attended Babylon
Maternity & children hospital in Al – Hilla city during the period mid of February
through the end of April , 2012 . Breast milk was collected and analyzed to detect and
measure Lead and Cadmium using atomic absorption. A structured questionnaire was
used to report the demographic variables. Weights and heights were measured to
calculate the Body Mass Index.
Means and the standard deviations of the mother’s ages and their Body Mass
Index were 26.17±6.49 and 27.78±3.79 respectively. This study revealed that the
mean concentrations of Lead and Cadmium in the human milk were ( 25.9±18.4 ppb)
(5.6±1.77 ppb) respectively which were remarkably high as compared with the
concentrations reported by other studies done in other countries. The study shows that
there were a statistically significant association between the high concentrations of
lead and cadmium and the followings associates ; living in urban regions ,living near
highways , living near industrial regions , drinking river or tap water , being
younger(<3oyears of age) or heaver in weight and being cigarettes smokers . The
prevalence rates of lactating mothers with abnormal concentrations of Cadmium and
Lead were 100%and 93% respectively indicating the serious environmental pollution
in Hilla city.
Breast milk of lactating mothers in Hilla city is abnormally contaminated with;
Lead and Cadmium this public health problem need to be addressed.

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