عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
Impact of School Bag on Pulmonary Functions among Elementary School Children in Al-Hilla City-Iraq
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
حسن علوان حسين سعيد
Citation Information
حسن,علوان,حسين,سعيد ,Impact of School Bag on Pulmonary Functions among Elementary School Children in Al-Hilla City-Iraq , Time 29/01/2017 10:10:29 : كلية طب حمورابي
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
Backpacks are used by school children to carry their materials. Heavy backpacks associated with several adverse effects on the health of children and may interfere with their school achievement. The objective
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
Abstract Backpacks are used by school children to carry their materials. Heavy backpacks associated with several adverse effects on the health of children and may interfere with their school achievement. The objective to assess the effect of school bags on pulmonary functions of school children in Al- Hilla city. This is a descriptive school based cross sectional study which was carried out on a convenient sample of 220 healthy pupils, from the fifth and sixth grades, from four randomly selected primary schools during the period from February through May, 2015. Written and verbal consents were obtained from the pupils and their parents . Data were collected through interviewing the participants by using a structured questionnaire contained sociodemographic and school bag related information. Pulmonary function test was performed using an electronic portable spirometer (discovery-2 USA), after measuring the weight and height of the participants. Pulmonary function parameters were significantly reduced after carrying backpack (p value < 0.001) except the FEV1/FVC was increased after carrying the backpack . The results indicate that there was a significant reduction of the ventilatory functions of primary school children after carrying the backpack. Preventive measures are needed to protect school children. Key words:Backpack, pulmonary function, elementary school children, Hilla, Iraq.
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