معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

New Proposed Length-Biased Weighted Exponential and Rayleigh Distribution with Application

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

كريمة عبد الكاظم مخرب الخفاجي

Citation Information

كريمة,عبد,الكاظم,مخرب,الخفاجي ,New Proposed Length-Biased Weighted Exponential and Rayleigh Distribution with Application , Time 17/02/2017 18:33:45 : كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

This paper surveys some of the possible uses of Length-biased distribution

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

The concept of length-biased distribution can be employed in development of
proper models for lifetime data. Length-biased distribution is a special case of the more
general form known as weighted distribution. In this paper we introduce a new class of
length-biased of weighted exponential and Rayleigh distributions (LBW1E1D),(LBWRD).
This paper surveys some of the possible uses of Length-biased distribution We study the
some of its statistical properties with application of these new distribution.

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