عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
The occurrence of alveolar bone resorption with oral bacterial infection
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
لمى جاسم حمود وتوت
Citation Information
لمى,جاسم,حمود,وتوت ,The occurrence of alveolar bone resorption with oral bacterial infection , Time 21/11/2017 16:54:49 : كلية طب الاسنان
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
Address: Objective: to determine the prevalence of ABL with causative bacteria in relative to number of sites affected and gender in Babylon City. Materials and methods: 28 subjects aged between 40-55 years were attended to Oral diagnosis department at dentistry college Hospital/Babylon university from April to October 2016 with the purpose ofto evaluate the PPD and interproximal ALB was assess through intraoral digital radiography. Also, we isolate the causative bacteria by using bacteriological method with a biochemical tests fo
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
Address: Objective: to determine the prevalence of ABL with causative bacteria in relative to number of sites affected and gender in Babylon City. Materials and methods: 28 subjects aged between 40-55 years were attended to Oral diagnosis department at dentistry college Hospital /Babylon university from April to October 2016 with the purpose ofto evaluate the PPD and interproximal ALB was assess through intraoral digital radiography. Also, we isolate the causative bacteria by using bacteriological method with a biochemical tests for detection of studied bacteria. Results: the maximum ALB in the existent samples were showed in man & woman was 8 and 6.17mm with mean rang 7.8-4.5 and the maximum PPD is 7.9 and 7 with mean rang (2.5-2.7 mm).The data indicated that 4(10%) of isolate revealed positive bacterial culture for A. actinomycetemcomitanswhereas 10(25%) intermedia and great proportion of isolates 8(45%) belong to Lactobacillus spp. Rate of these bacteria increased when the PPD ?5mm. Con
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