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نوران جميل ابراهيم الكبيسي

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نوران,جميل,ابراهيم,الكبيسي ,EVALUATION OF SEROTONIN HORMONE LEVELS ASSOCIATED WITH OBESITY IN SOME ADULT MEN , Time 22/12/2017 18:49:37 : كلية العلوم للبنات

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

To evaluate whether serum concentration of serotonin in some healthy adult s men influenced by their characteristics of anthropometric measurements

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

The stable body weight depends on an equal balance calories intake from food and expendi-ture of calories, due to a lot of intake calories without accompaniment expenditure energy, the extra calories will store in the fat cells pres-ent in adipose tissue and cause overweight and leads to obesity. The key role in the current epidemic of obesity as well as recent resear-chers has suggested that endocrine and genetic, physiological, behavioral factors and common mental health disorders also play a significant role in the etiology of obesity (Bleich et al., 2008; Mary and Monica, 2011).
Obesity is also associated with an increased risk for a variety of chronic diseases, most of which are associated with depression which in turn can precipitate chronic disease due to diminished treatment adherence and/or respo-nse (Ma and Xiao, 2010), for that reason (Van Dijk et al., 2015) noted for need the safe and effective strategies for prevented of obesity. The current classification of obesity is based on the body mass index (BMI), which is the weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of height (in meters) as documented in (report of a WHO, 1995). But only the BMI is a crude indicator of body fat content, waist size is a better correlation of total body fat than BMI (Lean et al., 1995).
The total fat of the body represented as a percentage of total body weight these called as a body fat percentage. There is no generally agreeable definition of obesity according to total body fat. Most researcher have used >25% in men as cut- points to define obesity (Okorodudu et al., 2010)
If the body of human in normal weight but having a high fat percentage, it may be having the same health risk of the obesity (Zeratsky, 2011), the body fat distribution has a wide variation count than the body mass index (Sweeting, 2011), this reasonable to estimate for body fatness measured by body fat percen-tage (Gray and Fujioka, 1991).
The component of body fat is an essential in the diagnosis of obesity, and overweight and used as an indicator of health risk. The type of body fat is closely connected with metabolic disorders, which is considered the visceral adipose tissue (Szymocha et al., 2009, Przybylska et al., 2012).
Classification of adult men according to fat percentage categories (ACE, 2009) in table below

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