عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
Preparation and Identification of new azo-schiff base ligand (NASAR) and its divalent transition metal Complexes
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
سعد مدلول مهدي الحساني
Citation Information
سعد,مدلول,مهدي,الحساني ,Preparation and Identification of new azo-schiff base ligand (NASAR) and its divalent transition metal Complexes , Time 31/01/2018 10:32:32 : كلية العلوم
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
بحث اكاديمي يفيد تطبيقات صناعة الاصباغ اضافة للدور الحيوي
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
New azo - schiff base ligand (NASAR) was synthesized , via the coupling of the diazonium salt of the schiff base (NAS) with Resorcinol in a basic media . The two organic compounds were identified with many techniques such (CHN,FTIR and H 1 NMR for SACAN ), to ensure the ligand preparation , then a UV-Visible study was prefomed for the ligand and their aqueous mixtures for three of divalent transition metal ions ( Co, Ni and Cu) to determine the optimal concentration and ? for mole ratio solid complex preparation . Solid complexes were prepared and diagnosed with the previous techniques and other complenetry techniques as ( electrical coundictivity, magnatic suseptibility ) were done to determine the complexes formula and suggestion the geometrical of the complexes. From whole resulats , they can conculde that the ionic complexes ( cobalt , nickel and copper ) have the geometries ( tetrahedral , square planer and octaheral ) respectively
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