عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
Estimation of Two-Dimensional Correction Factors for Min-Sum Decoding of Regular LDPC Code
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
احمد عبد الكاظم حمد الركابي
Citation Information
احمد,عبد,الكاظم,حمد,الركابي ,Estimation of Two-Dimensional Correction Factors for Min-Sum Decoding of Regular LDPC Code , Time 10/07/2018 21:07:59 : كلية الهندسة
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
Channel coding
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
In this paper, two-dimensional (2-D) correction scheme is proposed to improve the performance of conventional Min- Sum (MS) decoding of regular low density parity check codes. The adopted algorithm to obtain the correction factors is simply based on estimating the mean square difference (MSD) between the transmitted codeword and the posteriori in- formation of both bit and check node that produced at the MS decoder. Semi-practical tests using software-defined ra- dio (SDR) and specific code simulations show that the proposed quasi-optimal algorithm provides a comparable error performance as Sum-Product (SP) decoding while requiring less complexity.
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