عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
Suggested Method to Solve Traffic Jams in Large Cities Using Artificial Neural Networks
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
فائزة محمود شكر المشهداني
Citation Information
فائزة,محمود,شكر,المشهداني ,Suggested Method to Solve Traffic Jams in Large Cities Using Artificial Neural Networks , Time 02/02/2019 13:24:29 : كلية طب حمورابي
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
The Iraqi inter-urban traffic suffers from extremely bad congestion, particularly in the capital Baghdad (with a population of over 7millions) and other major cities
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
Abstract: The Iraqi inter-urban traffic suffers from extremely bad congestion, particularly in the capital Baghdad (with a population of over 7millions) and other major cities. This is mainly due to the abnormal increase in the number of imported vehicles since 2003, while at the same time no new roads were constructed, but on the contrary many roads were closed as a security precaution.Other causes, which we will discuss here, include: shortage of adequate parking spaces to meet this increase in the number of vehicles, traffic signal control problems, heavy trucks bringing imported goods, etc..What the future holds for this situation, if no serious action is taken, is horrifying. Examples from mega cities are reviewed of how they solved this problem of traffic jams by using Artificial Neural Network. In this paper I have suggested forming a team of experts in the fields of: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN),and traffic specialists.The objective of the team is tosetup strategies to minimize the present problem of traffic congestion, and submit future plans regarding this issue.
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