معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Sagittal discrepancies of the jaw in a Bangladeshi cohort: three-dimensional computed tomography analysis

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

ايمن حميد عريبي التميمي

Citation Information

ايمن,حميد,عريبي,التميمي ,Sagittal discrepancies of the jaw in a Bangladeshi cohort: three-dimensional computed tomography analysis , Time 30/09/2019 08:26:15 : كلية طب الاسنان

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

In orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, the assessment of skeletal jaw relationships is an essential step.

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Clinical Research Report
Sagittal discrepancies of the
jaw in a Bangladeshi cohort:
three-dimensional computed
tomography analysis
Mushrath Islam1,*, Ayman Hameed Uraibi2,
Arkan Al Azzawi3,
Mohammad Khursheed Alam4,* and
Asilah Yusof5
Objectives: In orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, the assessment of skeletal jaw
relationships is an essential step. This study aimed to evaluate skeletal jaw relationships in a
Bangladeshi cohort by using traditional (ANB angle and Wits appraisal) and newly described
(Beta angle, Wangle, and Yen angle) sagittal measurements in three-dimensional (3D) computed
tomography (CT).
Methods: The radiology department conducted CT scans of Bangladeshi patients. Mimics 3D
imaging software (Materialise) was used to process the CT images and evaluate 3D sagittal
measurements. SPSS software (IBM) was used to assess significant differences in the data at a
confidence level of 5%. Independent-samples t-tests were used to evaluate sexual dimorphism for
the measured values.
Results: In total, 85 men and 32 women were included in this study. All measurements were
equivalent to the existing standards. There were no significant differences in the acquired values
between men and women. Measurements were consistent with Class I normal classification.
Conclusions: This study established 3D CT standards for ANB, Wits appraisal, Beta angle,
W angle, and Yen angle in Bangladeshi patients.

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