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علي صلاح حسن ناجي غزيلة

Citation Information

علي,صلاح,حسن,ناجي,غزيلة ,PVA:PEDOT:PSS:CARBON BASED NANO-COMPOSITES FOR PRESSURE SENSOR APPLICATIONS , Time 10/15/2021 1:02:31 PM : كلية هندسة المواد

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

PVA:PEDOT:PSS, Nano-composites, CNT, DFT, Pressure sensor

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

A novel pressure sensor, PVA:PEDOT:PSS: carbon-based nanocomposites has been
characterized by different physical analyses and measurements. Through SEM and optical
images, we notice that carbon-based materials to the PVA/PEDOT: PSS solutions change
the shape of the surface and its mechanical characteristics in addition to the change of
resistance and be the highest possible at carbon black (7.98 x 10-1). XRD results show that
the PVA/PEDOT:PSS: MWCNTs composite has the highest value of the strain (s= -
0.0753) and the lowest value for grain size (G = 1.03456 nm). The adhesion properties, the
casted drops solutions have high adhesion properties.

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