معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Investigation of Mixed Convection in Cavity With different Aspect Ratio Containing Corrugated Hot Circular Body

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

محمد كاظم حمزة الكرعاوي

Citation Information

محمد,كاظم,حمزة,الكرعاوي ,Investigation of Mixed Convection in Cavity With different Aspect Ratio Containing Corrugated Hot Circular Body , Time 10/16/2021 12:49:49 PM : كلية هندسة المواد

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Numerical Analysis, sinusoidal cylinder, stream plots, Reynolds and Richardson numbers, local and average Nessult number, Amplitude

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

This work made a study numerically the effects of corrugated hot circular cylinder fitted in square cavity on steady state laminar mixed convection heat transfer, the analyses assumed the outer walls of cavity as a cold with (Tc), and having a corrugated cylinder with a hot surface (10) repeated sinusoidal, and corrugation amplitude (?=0.3). The mixed convection induced by the constant speed condition to right side was applied only on the upper surface, the rest region between the wall and placed cylinder filled by air which assumed as working fluid with (Pr=0.71). The solution is exists for a wide range parameters, the location of cylinder (?), Richardson number (0.1, 1, and 10), aspect ratio of enclosure changed (0.75,1and 1.5),in additional Re(100-300), both (NuL), (Nu???? ) are also examined. The results show the temperature and stream plots are strongly dependent on position of sinusoidal hot cylinder, the cavity aspect ratio. The results also show, for cavity aspect ratio =0.75 , (NuL) reach to maximum value when the corrugated cylinder placed closed to the blow surface of cavity ,and for all values Reynolds number (i.e 100?Re? 300) there are significant effect especially when Richardson Number >1,by enhancement (Nu)????? which refer to increasing of the transferred heat rate, also it was found, local Nusselt number has a periodic profile, everywhere the hot cylinder for all aspect ratio, and start to fall down at Richardson Number becomes below unity.

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