معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

The antimicrobial effect of some disinfectants to reduce the contamination of toothbrushes

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

سرى احسان جابك

Citation Information

سرى,احسان,جابك ,The antimicrobial effect of some disinfectants to reduce the contamination of toothbrushes , Time 11/4/2021 2:47:52 AM : كلية العلوم

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

The antimicrobial effect of some disinfectants to reduce the contamination of toothbrushes

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Tooth caries is parts of teeth that have rotting that can develop into small or large holes gradually. Caries, also
called tooth decay, is the result of several causes and factors combined, including unclean teeth, lack of care for cleaning
teeth, eating sweets, sugar, and sugary drinks. The bacteria may go up to 1.8 m in the air and pollution toothbrushes in the
bathroom and lead to the accumulation and stability of bacteria above toothbrushes and when used toothbrushes the bacteria
transmitted directly to the mouth. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 samples were collected from patients (50 from
patients with teeth decay and 50 from patients with gingivitis) using clean and sterile swaps, then choice 24 volunteers were
selected from patients who suffered from teeth decay and gingivitis, and 48 new toothbrushes were purchased from local
markets. Ten volunteers were put the toothbrushes, one outside the bathroom and another inside the bathroom for 10 days
and 12 volunteers divided into four groups were put the one toothbrush in and another without disinfectants for 2 weeks.
Results: The results showed that the number of positive samples isolated from tooth decay was 32 from 50samples, while
the number of positive samples isolated from gingivitis was 27 from 50 samples. The results display that, the crest toothpaste
the most effective toothpaste compared with other types used by patients with tooth decay. The result showed the percentage
of positive samples isolated from the patient used electric toothbrushes suffered from teeth decays was 25% less than the
percentage of positive samples isolated from the patient used manual toothbrushes was 58.8%. When compared the colony
forming unit between the brush placed outside and inside the bathroom found that the number of colony forming unit for all
the toothbrush placed outside the bath was much lower than that placed inside. Conclusion: The current study concludes
that it is better to keep the toothbrush in a dry place away from the bathroom to avoid contamination of microorganisms and
also clarified the possibility of using some sterile materials to reduce the contamination of toothbrush and thus reduces the
diseases of tooth decay and gingivitis

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