معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Frist Detection of The blaOXA-23 Genes in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacterbaumanniiin Babylon Hospitals-Iraq

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

سرى احسان جابك

Citation Information

سرى,احسان,جابك ,Frist Detection of The blaOXA-23 Genes in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacterbaumanniiin Babylon Hospitals-Iraq , Time 11/4/2021 5:39:33 AM : كلية العلوم

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Frist Detection of The blaOXA-23 Genes in Clinical Isolates of Acinetobacterbaumanniiin Babylon Hospitals-Iraq

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Acinetobacter spp. have risen as important pathogens in medicinal services related contaminations.
Carbapenems are vital antimicrobial agents for treating diseases due to multidrug resistant Acinetobacter spp.
Resistance to these drugs in the genus, may beconferred by different mechanisms particularly production of
class D carbapenemases. OXA-23-like family has been brought up as one of the dominating carbapenemases
among Acinetobacter. The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of OXA-23-like carbapenemases
among Acinetobacterisolatesrecovered from patients of hospitals in Babylon, Iraq. Antimicrobial susceptibility
profiles were determined by disk-diffusion method.Imipenem resistant isolates were submitted to Modified
Hodge Test and Double Disk Synergy Test to screen for carbapenemase generation, and later to polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) to explore the presence of blaOXA-23 genes . One (10%) of isolates was observed to be
imipenem and meropenem resistant (MIC > 512 ?g/ml). 6(60%) gave positive results with the imipenem-EDTA
disk and Modified Hodge test ; 4 isolates (40%) as indicated by PCR results, carried the blaOXA-23 genes.
OXA-23-like enzymes might be a critical component of carbapenem resistance among isolates present in the
hospitals studied

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