عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
Breast ADH and Low grade CIN
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
احمد راجي خير الله
Citation Information
احمد,راجي,خير,الله ,Breast ADH and Low grade CIN , Time 2/24/2022 4:00:10 AM : كلية الطب
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
Breast atypical ductal hyperplasia and carcinoma in situ
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
ADH and Low grade DIC
Dr.Ahmed Raji F.I.C.M.Path College of Medicine - University of Babylon
The currently accepted definition of ADH is that of
a lesion with cytological and architectural features indistinguishable from those of low-grade DCIS
, that is, monomorphic cells with ovoid to rounded nuclei and the formation of micropapillae, tufts, fronds, bridges, solid, and/or cribriform patterns within the involved space .
but either
intimately admixed with UDH.
(2) showing only partial involvement of the TDLU. Quantitative requirements have been proposed for
when there is complete involvement of the space(s) involved , namely to be ?2 mm or to be present in fewer than two adjacent spaces.
a diagnosis of low-grade DCIS would be rendered if these same cells involved two or more spaces or measured >2 mm.
The alternative view, masterfully articulated by Azzopardi and currently supported by many experts,
is that proliferative breast disease can be divided into distinct categories:
the “usual” hyperplasia category And the intraductal carcinoma category, which may be further subdivided into a low-grade and a high-grade pathway.
Ductal intraepithelial neoplasia (DIN)
Grades: UDH: usual ductal hyperplasia DIN 1A: flat epithelial atypia DIN 1B: atypical ductal hyperplasia DIN 1C: DCIS grade 1 (low grade) DIN2: DCIS grade 2 (intermediate grade) DIN3: DCIS grade 3 (high grade)
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