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امين عجيل ياسر الياسري

Citation Information

امين,عجيل,ياسر,الياسري ,NURSING MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND DISCION MAKING , Time 7/27/2011 9:05:30 AM : كلية التمريض

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)


الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

NURSING MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS AND DISCION MAKING  Dr.Amean A. Yasir Management has a unique purpose and outcome that is needed to maintain a healthy organization. The history of management science provides managers with a background into what came before so they are well grounded in the past. Managers continue to use some past theories in coping with management problems today. Since the earliest management studies, theorists have learned much about human behavior; additionally society has changed remarkably, providing current management theorists with new insights and challenges. However, even today one of the most important functions for the manager remains that of being a successful decision maker. Decision making takes place throughout the management process and is one of the most critical functions of management The use of management tools and models to guide decision making will assist the manager in making more effective decisions. Although there are many such tools available, the successful manger knows that they are not foolproof and often do not allow for the human element in management. Lastly, the manager is cognizant that selecting the appropriate decision making style will influence the success of the decision making.  References Clancy,T. R. (2003). The art of decision-making. Journal of Nursing Administration, 33(6), 343–349.

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