معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Natural Convection in Equilateral Triangular Enclosure for Three Situations with Heating Element Applied at Different Positions on the Inclined Side Wall

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

علي صفاء نوري الصائغ

Citation Information

علي,صفاء,نوري,الصائغ ,Natural Convection in Equilateral Triangular Enclosure for Three Situations with Heating Element Applied at Different Positions on the Inclined Side Wall , Time 5/10/2011 9:03:08 AM : كلية الهندسة

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Studying the Effect of Heating Element Position on Heat and Fluid flow

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Natural Convection in Equilateral Triangular Enclosure for Three Situations with Heating Element Applied at Different Positions on the Inclined Side Wall
Tahseen Ali Hussein Alhattab *            Ali Safa Nouri Alsaegh  **Farooq Hassan Ali Alinnawi *** 
College of Engineering-Mechanical Engineering DepartmentBabylon University, Babylon, Iraq.
 *  E-mail:  alhattab.t@gmail.com      **   E-mail:  ali_alsaeg@yahoo.co.uk                   ***  E-mail:  farooq_hassan77@yahoo.com     abstract
          Laminar natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow due to heating element inserted at different positions over the inclined side wall of equilateral triangle enclosure has been analyzed numerically in this study. The enclosure has filled with air as a working fluid with Pr=0.71. The walls of the enclosure are insulated except an element on one side  where the heat flux  are applied. The value of heat flux ( q" ) are 10, 30, 70 and 100 Watt with corresponding Rayleigh number of 105, 106, 107, 108 respectively. The length of the heating element was taken as 10% of the triangular enclosure side wall length where the length of the wall equals to 10 cm. The governing mass, momentum and energy equations are applied to the enclosure and solved by finite element using commercial code (ANSYS 5.4) based on TDMA method. Three different situations (normal, side and inverse) of the triangular enclosure with different positions of heating element are examined in this study to obtain the maximum stream function. The results show that the maximum value of stream function and high rate of heat transfer occur for normal situation of the enclosure and when the heating element is applied at position2 (Po.2 is a distance over the inclined side wall which takes a position limited between 0.2L to 0.3L from the edge of the triangle enclosure). Keywords: Laminar Flow, Natural convection , Equilateral Triangle, Finite Element, Stream Function.  
الحمل الحر في حيز مثلث متساوي الأضلاع لثلاث أوضاع بوجود شريحة حرارية مسلطة على مواضع مختلفة من ضلعه المائل  
تحسين علي حسين الحطاب                         علي صفاء نوري الصائغ    فاروق حسن علي العناوي 
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