معلومات البحث الكاملة في مستودع بيانات الجامعة

عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)

Oral- Versus Systemic Immune Responeses Specific for Streptococcus. anginosus dentalvolar Infected patients

الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)

بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدي

Citation Information

بهاء,حمدي,حكيم,العميدي ,Oral- Versus Systemic Immune Responeses Specific for Streptococcus. anginosus dentalvolar Infected patients , Time 26/03/2013 09:08:14 : كلية طب الاسنان

وصف الابستركت (Abstract)

Oral- Versus Systemic Immune Responeses Specific for Streptococcus. anginosus dentalvolar Infected patients

الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)

Oral- Versus Systemic Immune Responeses Specific for Streptococcus. anginosus dentalvolar Infected patients

Shnawa, I.M.S; AL-A midi; B.H.H and Mehdi Yagoob
University of Babylon College of Science Department of Biology and College of Dentistry
Streptococcus. anginosus is associated with dentoalveolar infected patient. S. anginosus activate B cell peripheral mucosal systems produce high titer of pathogen specific antibodies. The antibody nature at mucosal surface was of secretary type since it was 2-Mercaptoethanol (2ME) resistant and in peripheral blood was of not IgM type since it was 2MF resistant. It might be of IgG type Neutrophil N.B.T phagocytosis was found at mucosal and systemic compartments in patients higher than in normal control subjects. Significant leucocyte inhibitory factors were noted among patients in comparison to non significant in normal control subjects.

الاستجابات المناعية الموضعية والبدنية المتخصصة بS.anginosus المشتركة مع حالات Dentoalveolor infections

ابراهيم محمد سعيد شناوه بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدي
مهدي يعقوب

جامعة بابل- كلية العلوم – قسم علوم الحياة و كلية طب الاسنان

وجد بان S.anginosus تشترك مع حالات مرضى Dentoalverolar infectors و ادت هذه البكتريا لتنشيط الخلايا البائية الموضعية و الجهازية لانتاج عبارات من الاضداد المتخصصة بها في كل من السطح المخاطي من النمط الافرازي لكونه تقاوم لثاني مكركابتو ايثانول و ليس من صنف IgM لكونه مقاوم لثاني مركابتو ايثانول في المصل وبين قياس البلعم بالعدلات مستويات عالية بين المرضى مقارنة بالاسوياء وان هناك مستويات معنوية من تثبيط هجرة الخلايا البيض بين المرضى مقارنة بالاسوياء

The stomium is a reservoir for a variety of endogenous bacterial antigens and the port of entry for several exogenous bacterial antigens into the alimentary and respiratory systems. In normal state these antigens do not cause disease and swallowed away with saliva into the distal part of the gut (1)
The protection of the stomium against bacterial invasion can be confired by either one or more of the following mechanisms mucosal barrier, continual desquamation of oral epithelium secretory IgA as well as the mucus membrane action. When an imbalance do happened between oral bacteria and immune cell cells in mucosal and systemic compartments such imbalance will lead to an immune tissue injuries or to direct tissue damage induce by oral bacteria or their host specific responses mediated by local and systemic immunity (1,2). Among the known oral bacterial pathogens are streptococci which cause several dental disease conditions (2-8). S . anginosus was reported in peridontitis patients (9). In the present work S. anginosus is being reported in cases of peridontitis, gingivitis and chronic pulpitis together with the investigation of the immune status of the patients

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