عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
On Feebly –closed mappings in bitopological spaces
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
زاهر دبيس عزاوي النافعي
Citation Information
زاهر,دبيس,عزاوي,النافعي ,On Feebly –closed mappings in bitopological spaces , Time 5/11/2011 9:50:37 AM : كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
This search discusses the ?-set and feebly –closed sets in bitopological space
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
On Feebly –closed mappings in bitopological spaces
zahir Dobeas AL-nafie
Dept.of Math. College of education , Babylon university
This search discusses the a-set and feebly –closed sets in bitopological space, and these concepts define the feebly-closed function , semi-closed function and pre-closed function also we defines an a-closed function and study the relation between these concepts.
let S be a subset of a bitopological spaces (X,t1,t2), we denote the closure of S and the interior of S with respect to t1, t2 by clt1(S), intt1(S) and clt2(S) , intt2(S) respectively.
[O.Njastad,1965] introduced the concept of a-set in a topological space (X,t) . A subset S of ( X,t) is called an a-set if S?int(cl(int(S))) . the notion of semi open set , per -open set were introduced by[N.Levine, 1963].a subset A is said to be Feebly- open set [S.N.Maheshwari and U.D.Tapi,1978 ] in (X,t) if there exist an open set U such that U?A?scl(U) , the complement of Feebly- open set is called Feebly closed set.
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