عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
The Effect of Corn Oil in Sperm Parameters and Levels of Some Hormone, Elements, and Biochemical Parameters in Serum of White Male Rabbits
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ندى سعد ناجي لطائي
Citation Information
ندى,سعد,ناجي,لطائي ,The Effect of Corn Oil in Sperm Parameters and Levels of Some Hormone, Elements, and Biochemical Parameters in Serum of White Male Rabbits , Time 22/11/2013 16:54:47 : كلية التربية الاساسية
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
the addition of corn oil may improve semen quality of any animal, mammals as well as human being
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
Corn oil is a pale-yellow drying or semidrying edible oil extracted from the germ of corn and used for cooking and salad preparation. Corn oil is finding wide application at home, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and other food industries. Nowadays it is finding wide application at all places of food preparation. The principal goal of this study was to investigate the role of corn oil on the fertility, levels of some hormone, elements, and biochemical parameters of adult male rabbits. Fifteen adult male rabbits were randomly distributed into three groups, 5 animals of each groups: Group (1) was given orally distilled water and another groups (2 and 3) of rabbits were treated orally with 2 and 2.5 ml/day of corn oil alone as vehicle. The results show that corn oil caused significant differences (P>0.05) in sperm parameters and insignificant differences (P<0.05) in levels of some Hormone, some trace element, and some biochemical parameters of male rabbits. It was concluded that the addition of corn oil may improve semen quality of any animal, mammals as well as human being.Corn is the small hard seed of any of the cereal grasses used for food. Corn oil is edible and therefore is used in the preparation of food items. It is the most widely consumed in the world because this oil is generally less expensive than most other types of vegetable oils. Recently, many researchers have discovered the strong antioxidant potential mostly in corn oil (Orhun 2013). Corn oil has generally been assumed to be biologically inert with regard to reproductive performance and developmental status (Kuperman et al. 2011). Sperm cells contain very high proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) (Rooke et al. 2001), and normal spermatozoa possess a higher percentage of the most representative PUFA (C22:6 n-3) than those detected in blood serum phospholipids and in other cell membranes (Lenzi et al. 1996). The lipid composition, the degree of PUFA unsaturation, and the proportion of sperm PUFA have been shown to affect sperm quantity (Cerolini et al. 2000; Safarinejad & Safarinejad 2012). Animals cannot synthesize n-6 or n-3 fatty acids de novo because of a lack of the appropriate fatty acid desaturase enzymes. The n-6 PUFA and the n-3 PUFA therefore need to be provided in the diet as these PUFAs are essential for numerous processes including growth, reproduction, vision, and brain development (Gurr et al. 2000). The most important feature of lipid composition of the rabbit semen is the extremely high proportions of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the phospholipid fraction of spermatozoa. High PUFA proportion of the rabbit sperm is necessity antioxidant order to maintain specific membrane properties (fluidity, flexibility, etc) (Mourvaki a et al. 2010; Mourvaki b et al. 2010). It is known that the fatty acid composition of sperm membranes, especially their unsaturated components, determine their biophysical characteristics such as fluidity and flexibility as appropriate for their specific functions, including sperm motility and fertilizing capacity (Khatibjoo et al. 2011). Metals play a vital role as structural and functional components of protein and enzymes in cells . Each mineral plays a number of different functions in the body , the most important pathway of metals to transport into human is from soil to plant and from plant to human (Kirmani et.al. 2011). Some metals such as Ca, Mg and Zn have been reported to be essential for human health, whereas others such as Pb, Cd and Al have been identified as toxic. Rests of the elements are not toxic to human unless they are present in high concentrations (Nasli-Esfahani et al. 2011). The present study was performed to evaluate the effect of corn oil on epididymis sperm parameters, the levels of some hormone, and some biochemical parameters of male rabbits. Also the present study is concerned with the determine whether corn oil can influence the bioavailability of several elements important for the human healthy.
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