عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
A Novel Method For Searching Metadata Using Classification Techniques
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
أسعد صباح هادي الجبوري
Citation Information
أسعد,صباح,هادي,الجبوري ,A Novel Method For Searching Metadata Using Classification Techniques , Time 08/03/2014 20:43:52 : كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
using the classification techniques for searching metadata
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
A Novel Method For Searching Metadata Using Classification Techniques
Asaad Sabah Hadi , 2Abbas M. Al-Bakry 1,Babylon Uni.,Software Dep.,Iraq,Babylon,P.O.Box.4,asaadsabah@{yahoo.com,uobabylon.edu.iq} B 2,Babylon Uni.,Software Dep.,Iraq,Babylon,P.O.Box.4,abbasmoh67@{yahoo.com,uobabylon.edu.iq}
In the world of Information Technology Revolution , the user search all the time for an automation techniques to complete his requirements in any field, therefore many researches appears from time to time that try to give the users a new techniques that facilitate their work. In the field of Web Search, the user need to search for the information in an easy way, but the search engines (like Google,Yahoo, ..,etc) give the user more results so that the user need to check these results to take his information and it is a time consuming task . The database for semantic web is RDF and SPARQL are used to search for the information inside RDF but it need from the user to know the information inside RDF before any search,and that is a difficult task for many users. We Suggest a method that take a data base in RDF format and translate it into a vector format then collect all the databases into one file then we use a machine learning algorithm (classification) to learn all the information inside that file. The user then search for the information inside these vectors in an easy way.
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