عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
typhoid fever complecation in babylon city
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
بهاء حمدي حكيم العميدي
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بهاء,حمدي,حكيم,العميدي ,typhoid fever complecation in babylon city , Time 09/03/2015 12:18:01 : كلية طب الاسنان
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
635p atientsw ith acutef ebrilei tlnesseasd mittedto Merjanr eachinhgo spiradl u ingt h€ period jlom Jan.1 996t o March 1997B. lo
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
- 2004 Vol e - 1 - n o , 2 ,lJ! Jr\rd/ 2004 Typhoid Fever Complications in Babylon Monem Alshok *Baha,aA lamidi B_abylounn iversity,CollegoefM edicine,D ept.o f MedicineH, illa, p.O. Box.4 73, IRAQ. VerjanT eachinHg ospitaHl. illa. lMe. rylqllcaJl ournaolf Ba iFr dts ra eY$ r 6jJJ1 l-Jr tl.ljrl r G-:lt Lr-tJcl_i -. t* d,er" 635 *J. ptr g;j .lqir cr;l !. rJ--+" dJc i $ r 1997 ,ttt irtLJ 1996 dE oils cr.;j:!X r G+jll aL. J. c.i,I* {ltnl j d$tlt 6;!l flls r % I 0.25 Jt Ji,-i J-!- .{.:Jr., 6l rr.J -Jl ,rl-r.! .+.L^ --..,1 d i+" 65 uF s9t \. ,LJl L j . i l i l r - 3 6 . f L Y t d . r 2 9 J j s l l t a . i { + o l s r i l - t 8 . 8 J I J , - j J J * r r u S 5 J t i l , l t o - a ] F J L E f l $l r dll tJj ..!r" cs! DL! J- l]lF]jll sa uJJs* J, i rr:xlr *,-r-L)} !. .3u.t !t srs i-lJ+ 6;{]1 jldl &l a}4 +Jr ar: r cL-yt (-l!: &* 5r 6uol:lt .a! o" oL d-r Abstract 635p atientsw ith acutef ebrilei tlnesseasd mittedto Merjanr eachinhgo spiradl u ingt h€ period jlom Jan.1 996t o March 1997B. loodc uhue had beerp erfonniao r aI thJsep atientsa nJ-Saimonetta typhiw erei solatedi. 65 parient(s t solationra teo f I 0.25% ) . Thea gei ncidencoef rhese6 5c ase,sr angfet om( j I J5jyears.wirhaneanoft8.8y€ars.29are mates and 36 are females . complicatjond-su ringr he courseo f the diseasew ere studiedi n these6 5 patients,and bowelh aernorrhag&e p erfomtiona res tjll presentW. e hadn oticedo rals orenesasn do ml ulceratrornn Iwor emalep atientsw irhT yphoidf ever. ,; Introduction Tlphoid fever is one b?e of generalized infection caused by salmonella g.phi and para typhi ( A , B , & C ) . The natural history of q?hoid fever established first in 1856 by William Budd, in 1880 Ebefth descdbed Lher yphoidb acillus.Thtee lm knreric fererw asf irsri nrroduced-li8no q (1.2). Tlphoid fever rcmains a prcvalent disease in developing countries as a resuJt of adverse socio-economic l actors. Variant preseittationso f typhoid lbver had been demonstrated u,hich include. mild abonire rype : meningotypho;nide phroptlh oid: peumoandp leuo rypesh: emonhagricS phoid & hepaticm hoid .(3) In q?hoid bactememia , we have a large decrease in neunophils count. which is mostly due to altered adhesiveness of neutrophils to endothelialiln ingo f bloodv essels.( 4) Futhermore Salmonella is a facullative intracellular parasite and can invade macrcphage & survive and resist inactivariona: nd inaddilionth e major findingi ncomplicaiecda seso f Dphoid t49 Medical Joumal ofBabylon - 2004 Volume-1-no.2 ilrt,!r Jj$Jur 2004 -!.Ll, "11,;rt lerer was (he negalive leucocYes migation iDhibition test .(5) For diagnosis of b,phoid fever all serologic tests are non-specific, poorly standadesed , often confusing and dimcul rI o inleeret . (6) . (7f)8. ) .we depend on blood culture and / or bone manow cultue for diagnosis of qphoid fevera ndw e \udy thec omplicalionins this condition. Patients and Methods Patinls- whoml heya rei ncluded in this study , are those with enteric fever , admitted to Merjan teaching hospital from the period Jan. 1996 to March lgo7. The diagnosiosf ryphoid fever was made by history , clinical examination and positive isolation of salmonella from Lhe blood &/ Lrr marrow. h facr.b J6p atientws itha cule lebrile illnesses admitted to Merjan hospitaol vera periodo f l5 monthsa nd all hadb loodc ulturea odi n l5 patients bone marrow cultue had been perlormed .OLher investigation include :urinea nalysis,c ompleJbel ood pictues sundard agglutina(iolno r Brucellosis , liver function test including liver enz],rnes tansaminase & alkaline phosphatase , CXR and U/S of the abdomen tverc done on the patients when ever they were indicated . Brain-hearirn fusion broLhc ullure melhods are done & the media is incuba{eda l 37 degreec enligrade Subculture is done on Mac Contey agar aftet 24 hr. and 96 hrs incubations at 37 C . Salmonellsau spectecdo loniesw efe purifiedin purec ulturea ndi dentiliebdy se1o f biochemicatle stsu sedf or enlenL le\er ..Serol)?infgo r entericf evera re also done by slide agglutination with srandarpdo l)nalen t O " of Salmonelia phaseI as well as phasell Salmonella " antiH " . (9), (10), (11). Results The rate of Salmonella isolation in our hospital lab.i s a rourd 10.250 i Only in two patienls Salmonella pam qphi A & SaJmonepllaar aB weref ound on blood culture , whereas the remaining 63 patients Salmonella typhi were isolated & in 15 of these Salmonella were isolated ftom:the bone marow . The ageso f lhese6 5 patientsra ngc liom ( I l- 15) yearsw itha meano f I 8.8 yeutls. There is female preponderancein the studiedc ases, ast h€rei s 29 males& 36 fem Ia les. he incidence of complications during Lhe course of lhe disease were studied with the following results : . Bowel perforation occured in threeo f resep aLJen{ts o ne i: female and lwo are males ) il make an incidence of aboul 4.6Vo.I wo of theset hiee patients had received prednisolone as additionalt ueatmen.t . Thee patientsa lsoh ad developed mild to moderate bowel hemonhagaen d associatendi lh "ererb loodyd iarrheao-n ep atient receivedb loodt ransfus ion. . Sub clinicalh epatitisn o(icedi n four patients ( tfuee males dnd one female ) and characterized by hepatomegaly and raised transaminavsael uesi n the range of(65 -250 iu,4 ). o Acuten ephririws ith pullinesso f the face & oedema of both lower extrcmities happened in two male pat ient(s 3.1 %) In both complete recoverl had been anticipaleda Rer lreatrnenot f lhe acuteil lness. . Duringr hep eriodo f ours tudyw e obserr ed that two female patients had suffered for the ftst time severo ral soreness& ulceration r hich had disappeared after tleatment for tlphoid . . C N S complicationsse eni n three patjents and Lhey include : confusion, drowsiness , ata,xia, t50 M€dicaJl oumaol fBabylon- 2004 Volume- I - no.2 .r :Jr,,JrJ- ,ir,!.lL- 2004! .11," lri"B nor1t1ochromic nolmocltic anemiaAnd both these ents Complications Number of cases Percentage Bowel hemorlhage l 4.6 % Bowel perforation 3 4.6% Both hemonhage& perforation 2 3.1 % Hepatitis 4 6.t o/" c N s l 4.6% Oral 2 3.t % Cachaxia, a nemia 2 3 . t% Nephritis 2 3.t % Total 2 l 32.3 0/o meningism,delusions, disturbed level of consciousnesas nd in one patient we hah noticed mild hearing difficulty .CSF examinalion no1 done as all of them showed recovery after reatment . Two patient ( 3.1 % ) developed marked weight loss and cachexia , associated wilh moderately sever wer€ female ,and two units blood tansfusion were given for each one ofthem. . The overall incidence of typhoid complication is abort 323 %o , no mortaliq was recorded in our studied palients. The following table demonstrate the mentioned complication:s Al presendt mel hem aint reabnenotf bowel perforation is surgical& there is no place for conseNalive therapy and by an obselvation we had noticed that the mortality was high in those patients ,who received conseryative measrres The site of peforation is usually at the terminal ileum and it might bv multiple .The diagnosis of bowel pefbration in an endemic area should be madeb ) clinicale xamhationa ndo ncei t I4blgl to demonstate the incidence of Complications ofqphoid fever in 65 patients. Discussion& Conclusions Tl seems lhat lhe most frequenl complication and the p nciple cause of mortaliry in enteric lerer is bowel per lorat ioonf lhet enninai lle um. (12) . h one study (13) ,th€ ovemllfrequency of intestinal pefomtion was 3 o/o with an overall mofiality mte of 39.6 o/o arid the paLjentisn this stud)w erea ll hcdb een subjectedto urgentl aparotomy. 151 MedicalJ oxrnaol fBabylon- 2004 Vohune-1-no.2 .rLlr,.--r J,!r,r,ri 2004."!L,Lt,;11 is diagnosed surgery is preferred to medical teatment.(14) The two most important factors which increase, the incidencoef perlorationin our srudied palients mighl be dietary lactors ( high roughage diet ) , the use of stercids ,and furthe.morc a delay in the diagnosis and teatment might contribute to the higher incidencoel perfora(io.nln a studl of caseso f tlphoid fever complicatedb y bowel perforatio[, mesel1te c, lymph nodesh istologys hor.redh yporeactivitl in both the T-cells , B-cells zones and this suggestionco uld be an explanation and basis for the pathogenesis of perfomtion.(15)I.n anotherp rospective study of 63 patients with pefo.ated q?hoid entenus managed operari\el).ovear 3 lears period at unive$ity hospital and of these 43 males & 20 lemalesa nd t-heira gesr argef rom ( 5 - l5 years) . theirm ainp resenting symptoms were fever , abdominal pain , vomiting and either diarrhea or constipation . A11 patients were subjected to surgery. fhe overalml ortalityra tei n this study was 20 oo and a4\ersery influencedb y increasingt he durationo f perforation,p resenceo f shocka nd faecal peritonitis . Farl) surger) afler prompl and adequater esusci(arionis life saving .(16) Also the sunival rate of patients is high in patients undergoing surgeryw ithin 24 hrs . (17)( 18)( 19) It had been demonstratedth at typhoid fever prcsents a challenge to the paedialric surgeans not only because of complications requiring laparatomy with high mortality rate , but also the absence of criteriap redictinglh e occunencoef complications in the course of fphoid lever . (20) In about 50lo of patieflts , intestinal bleedingw ill occure usuallya ftert hr secondw eeko f illness.B leedingo ccurs ftom ileal ulcers and may present as malena or bright red blood in stool Briskb leedingd eveloprsa relyb. ut it : an occasionacl auseo f death, (21) (22) In our studied casesbowel bleeding noticedin abou4l .6%a ndi l \ asm ild lo moderate and controlled by consenative measures Also we have two patients developed both bowel perforation & bleeding . Typhoid hepatitis is a rar€ complicatJo&n presenralioonf ryphoid and salmonella hepatitis is usualll indislinguishableli om acule viral hepatitis and even hepatitis might be at)?ical in its presentation & hepatic abscessc an be causedb y salmonella qphi .(23J (24) (25) And rhe studied casesu suallys howss r-rbclinichaelp atitis characlerized by hepatomegaly and nised hansaminasevas lue. In one study the neurologic and pslchialric complicationso f en(eric leverw eren o(icedin l50zof patients. (26) Differcnt kinds of presentations uere described l yphoid statusi s a feb le state of semiconsciousness accompanied by curious mattedng delirium or coma vigil is seen in qphoid fever.( 27) Also rare leaturesin cluding. transient parkinsonism, acute psychosis and catatonia Postinfective polyneuropathy also had been reported following an anack ol typhoid .fever (.28) Il seems lhat the most commorr neurologic complicaLions is encephalopathya, nd in the studied 65 cases the incidence of CNS complications4is. 6 oo ranging from meningism to sever ataxia . During the coulse of the study we noticed that two patients developed acute nepbilis and one of l-hem had generalized oedema associated with mildll impaired renal function Allhough. it is reD rare: generalized oedemain the absenceo f nephritisi n a niney earco ld childw ith ryphoidle ver. (2e) Cachexia and moderate anemia can be a late sequel of typhoid fever. Two yoqlg females had developed oral ulceralion which interfered with their 152 Medical Joumal ofBabylon 2004 Volum€-l-no-2 iJLrrr lll J,v il4r - 2004 :.ur , lrt ;L.. oral feeding .No oral ulceBtion had been repoded. bul cutenous ulcers \ ere repofted in two chil&en aged 10 years and 3 years with tlphoid fever. (30) TIh adb eenp ostularelhda l in l)phoid 1 ever , we might have damage to the efferent pathway of sweat glands in the skin causing post anhidrosis.( 31) References q?hoid l- WijlsonJ CT . Treatisoen continued fever,1881W, ood,N ewY ork. 2- FaikH ameeAd l-HaddadJ, F acM ed Baghdad,198,279 ,2 ,161 3- Chistie AB , Infectious diseases epidemiologya nd clinical practice, J d ed. , fdinburgh -Churchil Livingstone,1 980,4 7. 4- Patrick Sissons , Andrew Carmichael , The immunology of infectiousd iseases, in Medicinc Group ( Monthly add on Jouma)l ,1996,1 ,1 . 5- PremaralhRya jagopalaRs. Kumar. A. N. Mala\i)a. clin. Exp. Immuno,l(. 1981) , 44,68 . . 6- Sle\enA . 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