عنوان البحث(Papers / Research Title)
A New Steganography Method for Hiding Message in Image Based on Quad Chain Code and DCT
الناشر \ المحرر \ الكاتب (Author / Editor / Publisher)
توفيق عبد الخالق عباس الاسدي
Citation Information
توفيق,عبد,الخالق,عباس,الاسدي ,A New Steganography Method for Hiding Message in Image Based on Quad Chain Code and DCT , Time 25/09/2016 08:50:13 : كلية تكنولوجيا المعلومات
وصف الابستركت (Abstract)
A New Steganography Method for Hiding Message in Image Based on Quad Chain Code and DCT
الوصف الكامل (Full Abstract)
1Prof. Dr. Tawfiq A. Al-asadi, 2Prof. Dr. Israa Hadi Ali,
3Abdul kadhem Abdul kareem Abdul kadhem
1,2,3 Information Technology College/ Babylon University, Iraq.
1 tawfiqasadi63@yahoo.com; 2 israa_hadi1968@yahoo.com; 3 kazum2006k@yahoo.com
In this paper we present new approach for information hiding based on quad chain code (QCC) and
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). The proposed system consists of two general stages. The first one is
hiding the secret message in the cover image that consist of many steps, the first step is applying quad
chain code for the cover, the second step is equipment block with size 8*8 pixels that were more alike
with each other, the third step is applying the 2D-DCT transform for a block and applying the signature
of coefficients algorithm that was used to find number of bits can be embedded in the block, the fourth
step is hide number of bits (message) in some locations of block depending on the above step, the fifth
step is save the (start point of quad chain code, stream of chain code, number of bits) in the boundary of
the stego image and reconstruct the block in the stego image, finally check if there are bits still not hidden
in the message and check if there are blocks with more similarity to return the above steps. The second
stage is extracting the secret message from the stego image that consist of number of steps, the first step
is determining the (number of blocks, stream of chain code, number of bits for each block ) from boundary
of the stego image, this information are helping to extract the message in the next steps .
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